We have seen many people taking vows, hindrances or taking that if such and such God will benefit me in some business, employment, job or illness then I am pure. There is milk or ghee. I will not eat all these things. I have seen many, many people take support from us. So why such tech (obstacles).
Why the constraints on the things that provide the essential nutrients, vitamins or energy in the structure of our body. What a fault of our body. To punish the body for the welfare of the soul. What the body does is a slave to our mind or intellect. He commits sin or virtue in his own way. But it is our mind and intellect that do all this with the body.
The first mind only does bad deeds. Corruption in the job. In order to get rid of it quickly by doing wrong deeds to get involved in business and employment quickly, in a sense, it is an injustice to the body made by our mind or intellect. Which can be counted as sin. So if you have to take a barrier, take it directly to the soul. Such as serving the permanently helpless, the elderly or the disabled.
Permanently explain the truth to an uneducated or ignorant person for an hour, get him out of superstition and lead him to the right path. Bringing a blind or infirm person to their destination. If someone is left without food, clothing or shelter, enjoy a frozen meal. But hardly anyone knows about such a thing. The rest are still sitting on milk, tea, rice or lentils.
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