This Diwali festival is dedicated to the Nirvana of Sagar Charamtirthankar Paramatma Mahavirdev, the incarnation of non-violence towards Ji Vamatra, the incarnation of compassion. Twenty five hundred and thirty five years were completed on 19-11-20. Despite the fact that the waters of time flow from the ocean of the world to such a great extent, the reason why Lord Mahavirdev is alive today is the unparalleled teaching of the Lord to the whole world and the wonderful penance of the Lord, the ideal penance.
If the deadly penance of the sadhana period of Shramana Lord Mahaviraprabhu was unique, then the sadhana style of 'welcoming' his sorrows was unique, his apathy was unparalleled, then the inter-state was wonderful. Let us briefly direct these four sublime aspects of God:
There are mentions in Jain scriptures about Lord Mahavirdev's deadly penance that in his sadhana period of four thousand five hundred and fifteen days, he fasted for four thousand one hundred and sixty-six days without food and water! The begging he received was only once a day for three hundred and fifty-nine days. During such intense penance, they fasted once for six consecutive months, once for five consecutive months and twenty-five days, once for four consecutive months, nine times for three months, twice for two and a half months, twice for two and a half months, twice for two and a half months, Twelve times of one month fast, seventy times of fifteen days of fasting, one Bhadrapratima, one Mahapratima, one Sarvottobhadra Pratima, two hundred and ninety-six Chhatvas and twelve Athtmataps !!! Stay away from other ascetics, but even in anticipation of other Tirthankar deities, these penances of Lord Mahaviradeva were extremely deadly. There was the first sublimity of the Lord.
The Lord's sadhana style of 'welcoming' sorrow was so unique that for karmanirjara he endured sorrow more and more. There was a terrible cold season, the Lord was meditating in the forest and the Lord did not make the slightest gesture to escape the cold despite the lack of clothes on the body. At that time, he kept his hands long and meditated. So in the scorching heat of summer, they were exposed to the heat of the sun. During the sadhana period, they did not live among the masses. Rather, they lived in almost uninhabited places like cemeteries, potters' leprosy, straw mounds, old inns, etc.
So that the equipment is not disturbed. Even in these places, they were almost silent. At the end of the begging time of unjust hermits, etc., the Lord goes to Nisar for begging and accepts the innocent begging that is received at once. His compassionate purpose in going late for begging was so that other ascetics etc. would not be disturbed in begging because of themselves ... and God's displeasure in the midst of such a deadly sadhana? It was unimaginable. During the period of twelve and a half years of sadhana, the Lord never stretched his body day and night, nor sat on a stool. Most of the time they were standing and engrossed in apramatta sadhana, then seldom meditating on Godohikaas. In the long span of twelve and a half years, the total sleep time of the sadhana time of the Lord, who sometimes sleeps like a second and a half minutes, is only a little less than forty-eight minutes!
The fourth feature is that the Jain scribes have used 21 different metaphors to give a literal meaning to his inner highest state. We will not go into the details of these 21 parables, but we will look at some of them: (1) The Lord was like a conch shell. Just as a conch cannot be dyed by any color - no color can survive on it, so even an element of attachment to the soul of the Lord could not survive. The Lord was completely rageless. (2) The Lord was in the sky. Just as the sky can stand firm without any support, so the Lord could stand firm without any support. (2) The water of Prabhu Sharad Ritu Sarovar was pure. Just as the water in the rainy season becomes very calm and pure in the autumn, so also the heart of the Lord was pure and calm without raga-dveshadi. (2) The Lord was like the tortoise's secret senses, just as the tortoise kept the senses under a strong shield like a diamond, so the Lord kept the senses under a strong shield of restraint. That is, Lord Jitendriya was austere.
In such a total of twenty-one scriptural parables, the incomparable intimate personality of Paramatma Mahavira Dev, the highest spiritual state is very nicely reflected ...
Kalikalsarvajna Hemchandracharya has presented an evergreen verse in praise of Tirthankar Prabhu in 'Vitraag Stotra'. It is worth quoting here in reference to Lord Mahaviradev that, 'The decoration of the Lord was wonderful, the form of the Lord was wonderful and the compassion of the Lord was also wonderful. Let us bow down to God, the source of all wonderfulness. ' Here, the statement that God is the treasure of all wonderful things is seen to be meaningfully meaningful in the life of Lord Mahaviradev that God was the holder of the culmination of wonderful-incomparable prices. In addition, by supporting him, his followers also became the holders of the culmination of wonderful prices. The admirable culmination of wonder is reflected in the fact that even the prices of those who come in contact with this rare wonder become wonderful. Such an incident has taken place during the sadhana period of Lord Mahavirdev. Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself!
It was the eleventh Chaturmas of the sadhana period of Lord Mahaviradeva. Prabhu, who was constantly elevating the sadhana in solitude, was meditating for four months in the garden outside Vaishalingari. The ascetic Lord started this sadhana by giving up food and water for four months in a row and fasting for four months. A pious soul from Vaishalinagari always comes to see the Lord and bows down to the Lord satisfied with the apramatta-atyugra sadhana. His name was Jirna Shrestha.
In the distance, the prices of devotion were fluctuating, 'What good is it if God gives me the benefit of four months of fasting?' In the last days of Chaturmas, he should meditate and request the Lord to give him the benefit of the cradle. Of course, this request did not touch the self-absorbed Lord. He was in a ruthless state. But Jirnashrestha had full hope that the Lord would give me the great benefit of the cradle keeping in view my spirit. Hey Even on the morning of Parana, the meditating Lord Veer had come to request Parana.
While Jirna Shrestha was still playing in these lofty prices, the divine sound of Dev-Dudumbhi resounded in the sky, 'Aho Danam, Aho Danam' was announced by the gods, silken flags were hoisted in the sky, golden rain fell by the gods and fragrant flowers blossomed. Since these five divine events are created at the time of the Lord's cradle, Jirnashrestha realized that the benefit of the Lord's cradle has been found elsewhere. Jirnashrestha became courteous and thought that there must have been a defect somewhere in my goodness. Therefore, I could not get the benefit of the cradle of great greatness like Lord Mahavira. The one who gets the benefit will be the beneficiary. ' In these thoughts the ebb and flow of the best deserving gift to cradle the Lord ceased.
The Jain scriptures, showing the result of this wonderful bhavadhara of Jirnashreshthi, say, 'Jirnashrishthi was only the future of the highest spirit of the great cradle of the Lord, he did not get the benefit of any active cradle. Yet only by the glory of the highest spirit did he end the life of the twelfth deity, the highest deity that can be made available in the state of householder shravak. And .. if it had not been for Devdundubhinad, they would have been able to attain Kevaljnana by advancing in the excellent ideology of Prabhu Parana? ' In this life event of the Lord, one can see how wonderfully his followers were able to follow the param nidhan of the wonderfulness of devotion to the Lord.
On the eve of Diwali, on the occasion of this holy Nirvana Diwali, we offer our heartfelt obeisances to God, who is the source of innumerable wonderful uniqueness.
The shadows of my sins have surrounded me
O Jaya of Trishla, ask for your love.
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