- Antaryatra-Dr.Sarvesh Q. Vora
- Where there is a majority there is a trade of cheap things
Have you seen the scene of a mother who is confused and ugly when she sees a child who looks ugly and ugly? Throughout the village, have you ever seen an uncle or grandfather, who is considered to be very serious, disciplined and strict, rude in the language of Kaligheli, and become a 'horse'? In the language of a Krishna devotee, has the whole world seen Kanuda dancing like a puppet for buttermilk or butter?
In the three examples described above, there is something wonderful that is not achieved by logic, ritual, effort, calculation, determination, strategy, planning or even so-called sectarian loyalty. We call that wonderful element 'price'. This is the element without which all the masculine philosophies, the so-called religions, the great sayings of the so-called philosophy are like a mead without one.
Idols, pictures, monasteries, gurus, philosophy of life, all this is meaningful only if it has value at its root! The significance of the idol lies in the eyes of the beholder. Idol is a script which, to solve, the scripture of Haiyan's price should be handwritten, Haiyanvagu! One idol makes one fearless, and for another it is just a work of stone!
Fools who believe that the world is governed by intelligence and command, written or unwritten rules, have forgotten the importance of the fact that any activity, any shape, any change has value at its root. The instinct of such a price and the instinct does not change without changing the price. Remove the weeds from the surface as much as you like in the field, back to the new weeds emerge with double the force. Due to laws, habits, rules, social shame, etc., when you suppress the activity for a while, the instinct hidden as a seed in that root does not remain without coming out in disguise.
Why do you see fights like the Mafia gangs in the committees of the monasteries, the governing bodies of the 'popular' clergymen with a great demand in the market? Because in the original seed is hidden the itch bacteria of materialism, power and possession of wealth. Due to religious rituals and sectarian 'fashionism', the bacteria of that itch are hidden. The transformation does not take place, as a result the itch shows itself inevitably!
If there is a big 'demand' for a religious person in the market, be careful. If the majority is shallow water, and where there is a trade of cheap things where there is a majority, then if you go ahead with such a standard, you will avoid wasting the precious time of life in becoming a sheep!
Along the way, the element called 'price' disappeared. This 'price' is not found in the whole of human history as it is manifested in the wearing of any ideology, in the fanaticism, in the manifestation of a loyal member of a certain sect or religion. If the price changes, the price changes, and the price never changes by anyone else.
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