Do devotion with body or mind

My brother-in-law used to work in the factory from 10 in the morning to 8 at night. A statue of Mataji had been erected in his old house for generations. That is why he had strong faith in Mataji from his childhood. Like every year, this year too he fasted in Shardiya Navratri. After six-one days, the body became weak. Many apologized to Mataji and advised her to stop fasting but her devout mind did not believe her. Coughing. The fever started. CitiScan reported. The corona virus spread to the lungs. After waiting a day I found a place in the hospital, but there was no ventilator. The next day the oxygen level dropped so much that I stopped breathing in the evening. The scent of flowers wafted through the air. As if a tree, a bird, a nest, a tahuka, a flower, a fruit or a shadow collapsed without worrying. Everyone's eyes widened. The body parted, leaving many unfinished works of life unfinished.

When a potter makes a pot from clay, first he kneads it, drips it, puts it on a wheel, molds it, heats it in the furnace, gives it color ... then the clay takes the form of a pot. Think a little about the quiet leopard. How hard the Creator must have worked to shape this human body! It is said in the Gita (2/3). Antaddhi Durlabhataram Loke Janam Yadidrasham - It is very rare to be born a human being on this earth. This body is not found again and again. The body is indispensable for devotion, service, philanthropy or any kind of achievement. Even if we do not understand the language of soul, paramatma or heaven, we have to understand the language of the body. Body parts give an indication of every movement that takes place in the body. Need to understand the sign language.

Kumar read a fact in the monthly. The famous saint of Swaminarayan sect Shri Muktanandji Swami once landed in the village temple with his disciples. There was a vow to eat only once a day. Swamiji's discerning eye understood that some of the disciples did not pay attention to bhajan-kirtan or satsang. Once paying attention to Swamiji, some children-disciples started stealing bread from the kitchen. Swamiji found out and the situation was settled. He rolled his eyes and said - "Hey Saints, Manay Cucumber is hungry. Check if there is too much food in the kitchen. '' And breaking the fast of years of solitude, Shri Muktanand Swami forgave the disciples and ate the bread. The six religions of the body ... thirst, hunger, grief, infatuation, birth and death ... everyone has to abide by.

Someone asks - so should we not fast for the adoration of our adorable God or Mother? To do. Need ... need to do. But also to measure one's physical and self-esteem. One devotee cannot walk to the nearest temple while another Dakor or Ambaji can go on foot. One devotee can barely climb the steps of the temple and the other can climb Pavagadh or Girnar. This one and the other are equal lords in their respective places. Dongreji Maharaj in his story talking about Siddhanta Muktavali of Vallabhacharya. 'Krishna seva sada karya, mansi sa para mata' Krishna seva, Krishna bhakti must be done. In this Mansi Seva or Mansi Bhakti gives excellent fruit. It is said that even in sleep, the sound of 'Krishna..Krishna ...' could be heard from Arjuna's Romero. One of the words in devotional literature is 'ajapajap' which is a chanting that goes on in the mind instinctively without any effort. This chanting means any name, mantra, hymn or remembrance.

Before attaining 'Buddhatva', Siddhartha did yoga, meditation, samadhi, satsang and finally gave up food. The limbs became like sticks. The eyes went deep. The abdomen and back became one. The whole limb withered. One day, listening to the dancers on the banks of the river Nairanja, he realized that his body was very thin. "If you pull the strings of the sitar out of bounds, music will not come out of it and there is a danger of breaking. If you pull the strings less, it will loosen and the music will not come out. If you tie the strings of the sitar proportionately (not tight-loose), then rhythmic music will come out of it. '' The 'middle way' should be taken even without the body having to do extreme penance. 'Shariram aadyam khalu dharma sadhanam' is the best tool for practicing body religion. Not to kill him. To keep in check. Siddhartha then attained 'Buddhism' by controlling the body.

The senses are superior to the body and the senses to the senses. Because the mind is the cause of man's bondage and salvation. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Keep the mind calm, thank God, remember Him and start the day. After settling the dehadharma, if time allows, the deeds of the Lord are to be done. The deeds of the Lord are the deeds of the living beings breathing around us. In the Gita (2/3) God has said. Jivanam Sarvabhuteshu. I am his life in every animal. The service of any life is my service. You meditate in the temple. God's eyes are like a mother's blessing. Hash is experienced as soon as you see it.

Suppose sometimes you have to meet God and ask what you used the breaths I gave you to use. ' So, do we have the account of doing any other charitable deeds other than Swakarma?
