Ego is like 'deleting' from the mobile of the mind ... There is humility like 'saving' in the mobile of the mind ...

- Tribute to Amrit - Acharya Vijayarajaratnasuri

Respect comes second among the four axes. Ego-Pride-Pride-Pride-Mad etc. are its synonyms.

The four kashayas are thus more or less present in every imperfect being. Yet the Jain scriptures generally show the predominance of a single kashayo in four-motion creatures. Just as anger is the main thing in work movement, Mayakshay is the main thing in triangular movement, greed is the main thing in Devagati, respect is the main thing in human movement This statement of the Jain scriptures points out that the most common guilt of human beings in general is ego-pride. One thinker has made a sarcastic sarcasm that even the whole sky falls short to accommodate human ego.

In this, when there is a strong rise of virtue, human beings do not feel inflated at all. In our view, virtue is a factor like 'electricity power'. If the electricity power continues to flow uninterrupted, all the facilities in the house will be preserved at night. Because of this, the son can do the 'lesson' at night properly, the mother can do the housework, the father can read the accounting paper properly, then in the summer season he can sleep peacefully in the AC-fan. But if the electricity power is cut in the middle, then all the above system will be disrupted with the blackout. Just as there is talk of 'power', there is also talk of virtue. When virtue is strong, a person shines in a state like a dark night. If its boat is stuck in the sand, it will start to sail. At such a time, in the form of 'side effect', the ego of the person's mind is filled with 'I can do what I think, I am powerful, others are insignificant in front of me' etc. At that time the person forgets the truth that this is not mine, it is the glory of my virtue. The result? The result is that when the power of virtue is cut off, its ego is shattered to pieces. Do you want to realize this? So read this true life story of Napoleon Bonaparte:

From the son of a very ordinary widowed mother to Napoleon, the highest authority in France, he was so proud of his power that he often said: Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. An incident occurred when Napoleon was being taken prisoner to the island of St. Haley as a punishment. The road was so narrow that two people could not cross. One of the two has to go down the road. In this situation, a woman was coming from the front with a load of hay on her head. As he approached, Napoleon ordered him: "You go down and give me a way to go." The working woman said rudely: "You go down. Don't see that I have a load on my head? Nothing on your head! ”And ... silently Napoleon moved to the side. The fact that Napoleon, who at one time removed the mountains of the Alps, could not remove even a single working woman to the side, was the result of a power 'cut' of virtue.

The author of 'Adhyatmakalpadrum', in order not to be proud of the material achievements gained from the rise of virtue, states this nice verse: -

Rupalabhakulvikramavidya - Shri Tapo Vitran Prabhudyai :,

किं मदं वहसि वेत्सी न मुढा, - नन्तशः स्वभृशलाघवदुःखम्।

Meaning, why do you do ego by getting the attributes of beautiful form-best benefit-strong prowess-excellent knowledge-paravar samriddhi-excellent penance-generous charity-auspiciousness etc.? In the past, you have suffered endlessly in all these areas. The essence is to cultivate more and more humility by digesting the qualities found in Punyodaya. If those qualities are not digested then disgrace and disgrace like Duryodhana and Ravana can happen.

In another verse of the same authority, the author gives the example of Bahubalimunivar and explains that it is easy to do hard penance, but it is difficult to break the gland of ego. It is not certain that penance will give salvation, while ego liberation is sure to give salvation, explains the life story of Bahubali Munivar. Although he fasted continuously for a year, the only knowledge of Moksha was not revealed. But where the Bandhavamunis had renounced the ego in the form of Vandana, instantaneous knowledge appeared.

One last thing: there is ego like 'deleting' from the mobile of the mind ... there is humility like 'saving' in the mobile of the mind.
