- One-third of the body structure is made up of muscles, one-fifth of the bones and tissues, and one-tenth of the skin.
In Greek, protein means 'first'. There is no alternative to maintaining the order of life except putting the protein component in the diet in the first place. This is because from the structure of the cell to the efficiency of the muscles, from the exchange of nerves to the exchange of complex organs like the brain, the nutrition of proteins plays an important role in all this. If protein is not included in the diet, the growth of the body stops. It is an indisputable fact that we Gujaratis, especially vegetarians, are deficient in protein in individuals who do not consume adequate amounts of beans, nuts or milk (milk products) in their daily diet.
Sometimes no disease is responsible for the small and big complaints we get. Only malnutrition causes symptoms. Muscle weakness, joint pain, increased skin sensitivity, thinning and roughness of the skin, wrinkles on the skin at an early age, sudden signs of aging, deterioration of breast-like organs, poor eyesight, severe fatigue from doing a little work, dizziness , Sudden increase in heart rate, swelling of hands and feet, sudden weight loss, thinning of hair, hair loss, tingling of toenails, tingling in the ankles after dusk, rapid healing of wounds, gallstones (gallstones), Insomnia, special symptoms such as depression, lack of enthusiasm, unexplained anxiety, fear, insanity and dementia are sometimes the main causes behind protein deficiency. Sometimes vital organ failure and eventual death (in which a lack of protein stops the formation of new cells whose number of dead cells begins to increase) can also occur.
Acute deficiency of protein and calories in children under one year of age causes a disease called maresmus. In which the development of the child is disrupted, weight loss, dehydration can lead to death. Protein deficiency in children over one and a half years of age causes a disease called Kwashiorkor which has the following symptoms. Hand-foot swelling, irritability, loss of appetite, skin rash, depigmentation (skin discoloration), liver enlargement, bloating, toothache, thinning hair, thinning, fatigue, diarrhea, mental planning and combination Impairment of capacity as well as stunted growth of the body. The main cause of all these problems is lack of protein in terms of nutrition.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a person must consume one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight on a daily basis. For example, a person weighing sixty kilograms must consume about fifty to sixty grams of protein daily. Adequate protein intake is essential for pregnant women, lactating women, children, exercisers and those who are more physically active.
The body structure is made up of one-third protein in the muscles, one-fifth in the bones and tissues, and one-tenth in the skin. Proteins are needed to make new cells to replace cells that are destroyed over a lifetime. Hormones are also made up of proteins. Alas, even in all genetic cultures, the same element as ghasach is the origin of protein. What exactly is such a useful protein for the body? In the following article about which foods can provide adequate amounts of protein and how to use protein in the diet.
- Vismay Thackeray
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