- Sant, Sarovar, Taruvar are for everyone. The man around her never disappoints. Saints keep the same price
Ma is entangled in the magic of new relationships. The world is bound by many tensions of relationship. If the passer-by gets cool shade under the trees and gets cold water, the conscience experiences joy and satisfaction for a while. Jobs are related to duty in business or work. Human beings have a relationship with human beings, with animals, with love, with tolerance.
Relationships play an important role in the lives of all living beings. Saint Tulsidas has said that 'Sub se hilmil chaliye nadinav sanjog'. The meaning and value of life will be understood. Only human beings can understand human language. Can cultivate a relationship. Can save. Even though man does not know the language of the beast, through love and compassion he can save dumb animals or birds that are in love.
There must be a relationship in human life. In a family, parents, siblings, siblings or other family members can get along well with each other through the relationship. Brotherly love is considered sacred and selfless. Husbands and wives are connected to each other as spouses. Sometimes the value of a relationship is realized when it is maintained even with strangers like a loved one.
Sant, Sarovar, Taruvar are for everyone. The man around her never disappoints. Saints keep the same price. No one who surrendered to him has been wronged. They are bound by a wonderful relationship. Saints, sages and Taruvars, who treat and treat everyone equally, have been living with each other since ancient times through friendship and high relations. There are many selfish and mean relationships in the world but these relationships do not last long. Are not maintained. Such relationships never improve when they deteriorate. Saints have the same spirit and relationship with everyone.
- Bhagubhai Bhimda
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