The Reck Religion People follow the rules of religion in their own way.
The word Om in every religion which we call 'Amen' also seems to be a form of Om. 'Amen' is the Om of the Lord.
In English, Omni is Present. In this, the word Om is a corruption. Europeans and Americans began to meditate on 'Amen' (Omen) peace and began to understand the glory of Oman.
The word om is often a natural sound. Peace of mind is communicated in any place of worship or home. If you concentrate calmly, you will have peace of mind and you will live longer.
If you take a deep breath and release the word Om slowly, it will be understood and the mind will get peace.
Sometimes we know about our own religion but know about other religions to increase our knowledge.
In many religions, quiet theft, looting, murder, lying or helping others are just things to know and understand.
- Ravindra P. Panwala
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