For some time now, the second wave of Corona virus has left nothing to be desired. Coronavirus has infected people at home. There is almost no family left in which no one has died due to this corona virus in the nearby Sanga-vanla or in the neighborhood. When such a difficult situation arises, words come out of the mouths of many people, where has God gone? Why not protect someone? People do not get oxygen to live. Even medicine and hospital are not available ... If there is a God, why does this happen?
Many such questions are haunting the minds of men, the faith of many devotees is beginning to shake,
But we really need to have unwavering faith and trust in God. The father does not harm the Kadiya sons. So we are children of God. God never harms us.
There have been many disasters in the past, but they are still happening today. This is the order of the world. At such times our faith in God should not be shaken. At such times one must pray to God for salvation. God hears our prayers.
God is gracious to us so we are living now, who can save us from such a difficult time.
If we pray to God, God reduces the suffering that is to come, gives us the strength to endure the suffering. But according to our human nature, we only complain to God, why did suffering come? God cuts the pain of His own devotees with a thorn. But we can't even bear the thorn.
Always when such sorrows come, we should pray to God that, O God, this is my request, the rest is up to you. We must ask God for what we want, but we should not be stubborn. The devotee insists that why shouldn't God do my work? So often it is the turn of such a devotee to fall from devotion to God.
We must pray to God, pray constantly, then God has been protecting us for so many years knowing His children, and in the coming days, that is, in the future, from the Corona virus and many other titles, Shri Swaminarayan God will, will and will protect us. .
- Sadhu Premvatsaldasji Kumkum
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