"Brahman is Brahmakar"

Only Parabrahma Paramatma is becoming Brahmakar and fleeing. Everything is perfect in its creation.

If something falls apart from this whole, the element that falls apart is also complete, and the part from which it falls apart also remains complete. The creation of the universe requires the association of man and nature. The union and disintegration of the element of debt and wealth creates the universe. A single cell is made up of many. In this way a new organism is born from the combination of the female seed and the stamen. Grows and decays over time.

Purna Midan, Purna Madan, Purnaat Purna Mudruchya te,

Purnaya Purna Madaya Purna Meva Vashisht Te ...

Brahman is complete. He does not like to be alone. So created the universe. In the inanimate and conscious element, the paramatma residing in the atom, in the living entity, is throbbing in the form of millions of cells (pudgal). Millions of people in the body are getting nutrition through everything we eat, drink and breathe. Each cell has its own world. It beats, grows and is absorbed. That throbbing cell is the basis of our life.

'Pinde e j brahamande' Everything in the universe is vibrating like a human body. Throbbing. Our manishis call the element that is being renewed and willed as the embodiment of God.

Paramatma is the basic basis of every inanimate being.

Nothing is static in this ever-changing world. The element that governs the instinctively rhythmic process is the paramatma that is the basis of Sahu. Let's accept it by whatever name we like.

The glory of names like Ishwar, Allah, God, Father is for the identification of that element. The method of worship, the language of prayer, the method of worship or the method of sadhana may vary according to the country, time and situation.

The ignorant man may come in the shadow of his Maya and divide the Brahman element, but for the wise such separation is of no importance.

The only Brahmajnana is to strengthen the belief that only one Brahman has become Brahmakar and is immersed in the creation.

- Nathalal Brahmakshatriya
