Corona in front and God on the side!

- Known though unknown-Munindra

- If a person assumes himself, he can change his nature. Some people believe that life and nature go hand in hand, but in fact man assumes that it changes nature.

The path to conversion can lead to God. Change means a change in behavior, a change in behavior, a change in vision and such a change will change not only the values ​​of life, but the whole life. Imagine what a tremendous change must have taken place from the Walia Luntara when we met the apostate sage Valmiki, the author of epics like 'Ramayana'. What a change in Angulimal due to Lord Buddha. In the cave of Vaibhargiri outside the town of Rohiniya Rajgruhi, a terrible and evil robber named Lohkhur took a vow to his son Rohiniya at his last moment that he would not listen to the sermon of Lord Mahavira. As Rohinia was on her way to raid the palace town, she heard the promises of Lord Mahavira on the way and those promises saved her from the gallows. He fell at the feet of Lord Mahavira, confessed his sins and took initiation with him and lived a life of penance.

Spirituality seeks change and a change in which the world changes. In other words, your choice may change. The main text of Taoism contains the nectar of Mahatma Lao-tze and his moral teachings. Tao means cult (way) and that is the expression of the innate light of this cult. The name of this scripture is Tao China and the remarkable thing is that despite being a sectarian scripture of China, it touches the followers of all religions and the discussion of the ultimate element 'Tao' is at the center. It is said in Taoism that, 'Great man accepts good things and thus renounces nissar. It takes the fruit, not the flower, and thus abandons one and chooses the other. '

This choice is the glory of 'Choice' in life. Life takes shape according to whom the kalash of your choice is poured towards and for that choice one should cultivate awareness in life. Indian culture has also spoken of step by step awareness. ‘To put the feet by sanctifying the sight. So in Jaindarshan, it is said not to neglect apramad yoga or even a moment '.

In China, Confucianism places special emphasis on making this world happy and peaceful in anticipation of the afterlife. In China, the teachings of Buddhism are relied upon for the solution of transcendental curiosities, and the teachings of Guru Kung are applied to the questions of practical life. The statement of Mahatma Confucius is, "Look carefully at the conduct of man and see what makes him happy." This caution, this awareness, this infallibility - all these things are the ladder to go to God, the path on which a person ascends the soul.

That is why the Romans in the New Testament say that "the Spirit itself testifies to our spirit that we are children of God and if we are his children we are his heirs." In this way man is constantly changing and trying to go to God for the attainment of the ultimate and that is why Confucius says to keep a constant eye on the instincts of the conscience, then Sikhism says, 'O my mind, you listen to that. That which cannot be touched by happiness-sorrow, greed, lust and pride, man is the idol of God. '

Every religion has spoken of different kinds of people. Confucius' book 'Macy's' shows the types of man in an attractive style. It says, 'I call the man who is worthy of imitation a gentleman.' I call a man who is truthful 'true'. One who constantly accumulates these qualities in himself is called 'excellent'. The one who has the bright light of these virtues is called 'great', who, though great, erases the outward signs of his greatness, is called 'holy', and when he becomes holy and sense-conquering, he is called 'god'. I say.

This journey from good man to god-like man shows that there must be a constant change in man moving towards the path of God. After reaching a point in the mountains, he should reach a higher point, and that is why Socrates, the great Greek thinker, prayed, 'O God! My prayer is that I will be beautiful on the inside. '

This process of becoming beautiful from within requires patience, tolerance, insight, deep understanding, comprehensive vision and vision of the 'ultimate' (best). If we take only one example of this, everyone behaves according to his own nature. Now it happens that if we dislike the behavior of a person, we get angry at him, but instead we try to understand his nature by understanding his nature and keep ourselves calm.

If possible, give it the right advice, explain it with love, explain our values ​​using an example if necessary, but if it is the basic nature of it, then it is difficult to change it. Because this nature is formed by many things like parental rites, pre-birth rites, surroundings, friends, education, etc., but at the same time it is also a fact that nature can be changed.

If a person assumes self, it can change his nature. Some people believe that prana and prakriti go together, but in fact man assumes that it changes nature. As the nature of the person in front changes, so can the person himself. Can change its nature. A person who is often angry does not suddenly become calm and healthy, but gradually his nature changes.

A person who is obsessed with lust does not have the power to give it up all of a sudden, but gradually gives it up. The greed for money, the craze for form, the greed for power - a man surrounded by so many greeds cannot come out of it all of a sudden. It is not possible to make a sudden leap, but it is a gradual change of heart and that is when you need to wake up.

What will change if it is awakened? So gradually its awareness will lead it towards its ultimate goal and the ultimate auspiciousness within it will be awakened. He will be able to live without fear in the midst of the horrors of Corona's time and thus gradually get Abhay's training. Without fear of death, he will think of death and how to manage his own death, not that of others. By awakening the self-confidence in his conscience and believing in the 'supreme', he will fight against this situation and thus remain close to God even in difficult times.
