Enjoy the cloudy rain at home

Due to the recent heavy rains, it was time to sit at home. After completing her studies, she got a good job opportunity. Manuni, who is busy in making a career, does not like to stay at home. Modern young women do office work even if they are sitting at home through computer so it doesn't matter much. Yet on a cloudy rainy day, sitting at home and doing office work is also boring.

The atmosphere becomes quite romantic when the rain is pouring down from the sky. It is extremely difficult to keep a good mood when there is no company of a loved one in the pouring rain. Often friends do not even get along at such times so spending this time becomes difficult and overwhelmingly boring. But wait, before the boredom rides on you and spoils your day, get a little healthy and prepare to fulfill your insatiable desires.

Enjoy the spa by filling the bathtub with hot water and adding a few drops of aromatic oil to relax the body and mind and make the mind happy. There is hardly a chance to relax in this way. Light a small scented candle around the tub, continue the light music and lighten the body in warm water.

The idea of ​​drinking hot tea or coffee while enjoying the cloudy weather while sitting in the window or gallery is also considered fun. Enjoying the rainy season by taking a mug of strong tea with spicy tea or crushed cinnamon will make the mind happy.

It may not be possible to go to a hotel for lunch, but you can give yourself a 'treat' by making a hot four course dinner. Start with hot pakodas. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Make a tomato, corn or vegetable soup to cool off the rain after frying. Then at the main course dinner you can cook Punjabi vegetables and dishes like parotha, pulav or biryani at any price and enjoy it comfortably. Lastly, if there is ice cream in the freezer, choose it for dessert or finish the meal by making cold coffee.

This is the best time to find out if you have kept some favorite games or puzzles when you were younger. When it is raining, the pleasure of sitting at home and playing childhood games is different. It is natural to be curious to know whether the puzzles that were added in childhood are now remembered. One should enjoy this alone. Make books your companion if not a game or puzzle. There are some books that you like to read often or if you have a book left to read, take it with you. A plate of fritters or a cup of tea with a favorite book will play an important role in improving your mood.

Time can also be spent playing games on the internet. The craze for gaming is growing among teenagers and you too can enjoy this in your spare time. Many gamesides are free so you can log in and have a little fun. In the pouring rain, holding a mug of coffee in hand is also a joy to relive the old days. If there are photos of that time to refresh the glimpse of these memories, take them out and arrange them in order to get the memories of a specific event in life. The pictures in the old albums give a glimpse of your childhood or adolescence. This way you don't even know where the time will go in the wet season.

If it is your turn to sit in a house filled with water due to rain and if you really want to make good use of that time, meditate with the Swiss method. Sit quietly and remember the stressful events in your life.

Slowly shuffle these events and move aside and then remember the hilarious case and let it flood your mind. This will make you happier and relieve stress. Manunis who are constantly busy with work nowadays do not get time to pay attention to their body. That is why the time saved due to heavy rains can also be used to whiten the beauty. Massage on the body, apply a face mask on the face or do as you wish to change the hairstyle. Similarly, rearrange the wardrobe or remove the jewelry box and wear the jewelry to match the memories attached to it.
