Green Fashion to Be a Vegan: How Do We Digest Milk-Honey Vegetarianism?

- Unveiled-Jay Vasavada

- Food is a cultural choice, but if not fulfilled, if the whole world becomes vegetarian, then all the cars, buses, trains and planes of the world together release carbon dioxide, so more can be saved!

"Lo Ko discusses life after death, but for animals that suffer from human hunger, death comes before life!"

A spokesman for the world's most recent environmental group, Animane Naturalis, in the Spanish capital, Madrid, said it was a "quote for life." The demonstration was not a standing ovation. Interesting was the protest. Several activists were stripped naked, sprayed with red liquid like blood, packed in plastic bags and scattered on the road. For public awareness of packed processed meat eating.

Last year, a prestigious magazine like National Geographic awarded the 'Good Egg' award to Scotland's 'Sarosa 12' hotel. Among the candidates. The name of the award is in sarcasm. The award goes to the Vegan Hotel. In Perthshire, the mother and son built the Total Vegan Hotel because they could not afford vegan food. Not just food, not any product through animal cruelty. And planting trees by hand in the name of the guest!

And now the Pita organization has advised Amul to adopt vegan instead of milk, sparking a new controversy. The hive will attract tight vegan people. Because in the firm determination not to take or use anything associated with animals, the opposition of honey also comes with milk! Yes, vegan people are not just vegetarians or vegetarians - they are opposed to 'animal products' like milk and honey. That is why non-human beings should not be exploited. Cows, buffaloes, goats, etc. have the right to their calves, that is the basic philosophy. So not even cheese butter. Not just cream cake ice cream milkshake milk chocolates sweets.

New to us, so the chorus of 'Conspiracy of the Sinful West' has started without a full study. But what we call 'wagon' because of the spelling gives the impression of a station wagon. The correct pronunciation is ‘vegan’. Such a true spirit is not to destroy any culture. But we have to look at life, including animals and insects, with sensitivity and be aware of health and global warming and implement it in our lives. But now the whole discussion in the world is divided on who to call vegetarian first, after vegetarianism against non-vegetarianism. The 'controversial' debate on what to eat after 'tarkari' (vegetable) has started in vegetarianism.

Our definition of vegetarian is largely religious. So everything comes in the word vegetarian. But there is a classification of it all over the world. The definition of vegan came up. Then comes Piskaterian. Apart from being a vegetarian, he eats seafood i.e. fish etc. but does not eat meat. Then there is the vegetarian, who eats nothing but meat-fish milk products and eggs. Lacto vegetarians who are mostly Indians. In addition to vegetarianism, do dairy. But stay away from fish, meat, eggs. And world travelers like these scribes who are lactovo vegetarians. Vegetarian only. Do not eat fish-meat. But you should not eat milk products and avoid the taste of various types of ice cream, cakes, pastries etc. by avoiding eggs. Poultry eggs are not technically considered non-veg in the world. Behind which is the school of thought that 'life is in plants. Also not sensible, so can be eaten. But don't eat food that has sensation where there is price on the face. ' One ideology is 'eat everything that grows'. In Gujarat, under the influence of Jains, Vaishnavism and Swaminarayan, there is no problem in milk but there are strong divisions like not eating garlic, onion or tuber like potato. The analysis of which was done by Swami Sachchidananda in the old days due to lack of light and microscope, and disgust for smell.

So after such a long period of clear information, it would have been realized that in the eternal discussion of carnivorous vegetarianism, which is considered to be 'misogynistic' after chimpanzees in terms of biology, there are different divisions in vegetarianism. India has the most vegetarians in the world. Yet more than half of India's population is non-vegetarian. Non-vegetarianism is common among Hindus in Bengal or South India or Maharashtra or Punjab or Uttar Pradesh. In some castes in Gujarat. The same is true of Muslims. In ancient stories, references to the hunting of kings and meat in food are found in Sanskrit from Vedic to Vedic literature. However, the earliest record of the introduction of vegetarianism in the world is found in the Indus Valley Civilization in 200 BC. Then came the influence of Mahavira, a staunch supporter of the Buddha and especially the pure of non-violence. In the south, Valluvar was influenced by Vaishnava Vallabhacharyaji.

This is how exceptional vegetarians are found in the world. Be it Greek Pythagoras Caplutac or Roman Ovid or Aneka. But in the early jungle life, there was no diet in the world as all the ancestors were preying on carnivores. The first torch of vegetarianism to reach Vegan in the modern world was lit when he died at the age of 70 and his wife Mary wrote the world's first science fiction (Fenkenstein). In 1912, British poet PB Shelley called a doctor named William Lamb in 1918 to consider water plus veg as a health food and called for quitting dairy products or non-vegetarian habits. Alcott, the father of author Luiza May Alcott (Little Woman), founded the Vegetarian Society. In which Gandhiji remained a member while studying and then in London in 191 Gandhiji appealed to the world to adopt vegetarianism on the basis of 'morality'.

And it was in Britain in 18 that the word vegan was coined by Dorothy and Watson Morgan. By combining the first three and the last two letters of the English spelling of vegetarian. Start to end. This concept was adopted by writers such as George Bernard Shaw. Then came the word vegan to veganism. But suddenly, in the 21st century, after so many years of rooster crows, the morning has come. Flat vegan wires are floating in the world. If you travel the world in 2010 and return to Covid in 2020, you can see vegan options and full-fledged vegan restaurants in places where there is nothing but meat.

In the Polish capital, Warsaw, there is a new bustling Ertig place called 'Krovorziva'. The name means 'Cow Alive'! This is something that our Kamadhenu Commission likes. If so, there is another fifty-six. Seen from Vienna to New York. Celebrities are in heaps of vegan fashion. Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Natalie Portman, Venus-Arena Williams, Mike Tyson, Beyonc. The vegan champion recently made a record-breaking appearance in weightlifting in France. International Wedgefest was to be held in 2021. But was canceled due to Corona. In 2016, vegans were only 1% of the population in the United States. 3% in just three years. Britain, which has the largest vegan population, tripled. In Europe, a new generation called the Millennials has made a significant contribution to the rise of Vignism. 15 to 6 year olds are getting vegan. The main reason for greening in climate change is education. Then there is the growing health awareness of the Internet. Third, this new generation is not hypocritical. Is genuinely sensitive. The earth is softer than our father's tani. This choice is based not on religious tradition, but on sentimentality and scientificity. It does not have the disgust of a sinner who eats food that we do not like, or that it smells of non-vegetarian food, and does not have the judgmental insistence to impose one's own food choices on one's food choices. There is self-conviction. As a result, as respect and curiosity increase, others are automatically attracted to the lifestyle. For teachings, advice, ideals, without the burden of religious faith. Advantage Global Gujarati Tourists.

The Economist Magazine was declared the Year of Wisdom in 2012. Logic is about climate change in the environment. In hard core nonveg countries like Sweden and China there are vegan people. In China, it became two parts of a movie like Monster Hunt. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, a quarter of the land without ice is used for meat and livestock for milk. This has led to deforestation from the Amazon in Brazil to Australia. Cows emit more methane gas. Livestock livestock emit 12.5% ​​of global greenhouse gases. Cow's milk is consumed everywhere except India. Make soy milk from milk that is artificially 3 times less fossil fuel consumption. That's what experts say.

This is a completely new game for us. Almond, Coconut and Soy Milk. We do not fully accept coconut milk. It makes ice cream, cakes, milkshakes and everything. Adding sugar to the flavor doesn't make much difference. But those western dishes do not taste like Indian Bengali sweets or our Penda-Basundi. Because its band is not milk powder but milk cream, cheese and mash. The West has never seen such a variety of sweets. So replace the test of milk powder, it will run in chocolate. We never run.

This is the main reason why lactose free vegan in India can never happen despite the love of vegetarianism. If you don't give buttermilk in Kathiawar Kutch, you will become dhingana by shedding blood. Secondly, we don't drink black coffee or tea without milk. The whole country does not get to drink tea except for the appearance of a few affluent families. Gutka or alcohol or even marijuana does not stop there, snatch the tea in the name of vegan how many housewives suffer. Sounds like soy milk or almond milk tea spit. Starbucks still has to drink turmeric milk 'Golden Latte'.

This is a great speedbreaker. The concept of animal husbandry in India is not based on slaughterhouses everywhere. Cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats are all species that love here. Here, Gopal is the name of the most worshiped God. Everywhere in the cowsheds and in the farming families, the cow is not forcibly separated from the calf within 24 hours of birth like a foreigner. Older animals are kept in cages. Besides, the entire transport of bullock carts is still going on in agriculture. There are signs of political elections! Along with agriculture, animal husbandry is an integral part of our economy. There are festivals like Jallikattu to Bolchoth. There is a concept like Gaugras. There are many recipes for cow and buffalo milk. How much carbon footprint is reduced by soy or almond milk, how much protein is compensated or how much land is saved is a new and big thing in the Western world. Because there is a mainstream in the meat diet. But not in India. Gujarat has the highest total of vegan in India, yet the dairy industry is booming. Cheese, butter, ghee have their own benefits to taste. What does it feel like to have ghee without churma or panchamrut honey? If the entire dairy industry collapses, not only India, but also Israel, Denmark, New Zealand, Switzerland and other countries will be wiped out!

Vegan people consider honey prohibition to be prohibited as humans run a beekeeping center to grab their natural honey. Honey is the most widely accepted herb in the world for centuries and is a natural sweetener with fewer side effects. Animals like bears, if not humans, attack the hive. The bees die in the seasonal cycle, collecting honey for the chicks. When humans raise bees, bees live longer. In addition, due to the 'pollination' of bee pollen, some plants grow grains. The vegan people behind are eating. So you have to kill the insects that walk in the house or on the farm. The ideal non-violence is in the books, not in the heads. How many will be willing to let caterpillars roam the house on vegetables or welcome locusts in the garden as mosquitoes bite in the bed with the name of Jivadaya?

It is not natural to talk about chemically or artificially prepared options. It is better to use energy to prepare it. We can easily find local milk and honey around there. But if you have needy milk or laboratory honey, you have to always ask for a packed company. What about the fuel used in the transportation of its preservatives? In addition to health, there is a risk involved. According to the power for survival, man lived a little ruthless, murderous and could only survive when he needed to wear fur or cut wood.

Not as a substance in making vaccines. But in its testing or experiments, animals are needed in many medicines. So let your relatives die in Kovid for the sake of life? Tough Choice. Some medicines also contain vitamin B12 or omega three fatty acids from fish or eggs. Even smooth gelatin cannot be made without it. It should be found somewhere in hair medicine. If Vegan is considered a mental ideal, then you should not wear a wallet belt purse or even leather shoes or slippers. You can't go around the world wearing a wooden stick.

It is now a proven fact in many surveys that many diseases are increased due to excessive consumption of meat. The skin peels off early. But vegetarianism alone does not cause arthritis, diabetes, cancer, or heart disease. Sugar-coated sherbet or cola drinks, puri fried in waxy oil or chickpea flour are fried vegan. Even if not healthy, eat constantly. Ditto Sweets. That is why there is a need for more intelligent choice in food. Less emotional.

There are many micro-organisms in our plant food or body or environment. Soldiers on Siachen could vegan and die without an enemy bullet. Yes, protein is found in beans. But it is a matter of practicality to adopt which lifestyle in which situation. The only place a man can live is to stop. Stopping as little as possible, cultivating that conscience means a lot. If all else fails, the existence of cows and buffaloes will be endangered. Horses are among the pets. Dogs are not cats! And animal fat is used for everything from tattoo colors to soap shampoos. Some toothpastes are found in detergent softeners. Silk and wool are cruelty to animals. But all these alternatives have not yet become cheap or effective.

But what American marketing gurus call the metaphorical 'plant-based' is an advantage if the craze for food grows in a world where meat consumption decreases and happens occasionally instead of everyday. Direct to water consumption. Slaughterhouses use stagnant water. Turn the dishwasher 180 times to get 1500 gallons of water after slaughtering a cow. The rise of the word 'V' in the global food market is good. Its share will go up to 10% by 205. Vegan will have 4.5 billion. Unilever offers 200 Vegan products in Europe.

Burger King, KFC, McDonald's have all added vegan options to their menus. Tyson Foods, the world's largest meat producer, has also invested in a vegan company called Beyond Meat, which shines on a McVegan burger poster in Scandinavia. From Spain to Germany, there is a growing number of people who have tried everything in their diet, and Google considers it (vegetarian) the future of mankind in 2020!

This is the real chance to indulge in quality presentation by marketing our vegetarian flavors in foreign style packaging. Hello everyone

Xing Thing

'I know I have woken up from a long sleep. If you love the environment, start with your meal first. That is the first relationship with nature. If you can't make a big revolution, be a vegetarian in life '

(James Cameron, director of films such as Titanic and Avatar when announcing Wigan in 2014)
