Kabira soccer kya karo, jago, japo morari, ek din he to sovna lambe paav pasari

Rebellion against ba hya adambro, kurivaj, superstition, panditai, laukik, karmakando etc. in his sadhukadi language, sakhi bhajan, soul through doha, presenting the mysteries of paramatma in simple speech, which has a prominent place in saint tradition. That saint Kabir Saheb was born on the banks of Laher Lake near Kashi in Jeth Sud Poonam Samvat 16.

Fifteen years have passed since the fourteenth, the moon is afraid of a chic,

Jeth sudi varsaitko, puranmasi pragat bhaye

Thus different beliefs prevail about the birth of Kabirji. According to such a belief, the great Vaishnava saint Swami Ramanandji mistakenly blessed a widowed Brahmani of Kashi as 'Putravati Bhav'. As a result, she gave birth to a son. Fearing reproach, he placed the child on the flowers of the rippling lake. A weaver couple named Nima and Niru were passing by. When he saw the baby, he carried it in his lap and brought it home and raised it carefully. Named 'Kabir'. Growing up as a weaver's son, he started weaving ancestral weavers' clothes. The strings of devotion were woven while weaving the strings of cloth. The Lord was imbued with the color of devotion. Kabirji was not a learned man, but he realized the Supreme Being through self-knowledge. Kabir Saheb's many Dohas are extremely famous. It says a lot in a few. Let us understand and embrace the essence of Rachel Doha. 'Rare manush janam he deh na barambar taruvar jyu pata jade, bahuri na lage dar' means human birth is found with great difficulty in this world. The human body is not often found. Just as a leaf falls from a tree, the second time it does not appear on a branch, a human incarnation is not often found.

'Kabira is not born a human being, Harinam.

Like the well-dug kiss work of water well, that is, a well was dug for water, but if there is no water in the well, then what is the use of such a well without water. Just like that, a human body was found but Prabhubhakti, Haribhajan did not happen. So life without bhajan is like a well without water. 'Jag mua, pandit huwa na koi, dhai akshar premka padhe so pandit hoy after reading the book.'

Kabir Saheb says, 'Pothi padhi padhi jag mua' meaning read the scriptures, Gokhi Gokhi Many people died in this world but no one got knowledge but those who assimilated two and a half letters of 'Prem' became true Gnani. According to Kabirji, love is the same paramatma. The heart of one who does not have love is like a 'graveyard'.

- Dhanjibhai Nadiapara
