Ludacris and his wife, Eudoxi Bridges, recently announced that they would be giving birth again. The American rapper actor broke the news on social media on Bridges' 7th birthday. He shared some photos of Bridges with Baby Bump on social media and posted that today is also your birthday and you also have to give me the most important gift.
Ludacris had an earlier miscarriage. Eudoxi wrote an emotional message about her pregnancy thanking God for this precious gift. He further wrote that this year was not a good start for us. I had an abortion and had to have surgery.
This will be the fourth child of 4-year-old Ludacris and the second child from Bridges. Both have a five-year-old daughter, Cadence. Ludacris has 3-year-old daughter Kai and 13-year-old daughter Karma from previous partners. In a home full of children, Ludacris is now focusing on family drama. Ludacris and Bridges were married during the 2015 holidays. On a private plane he proposed to Bridges in a romantic ginger and the two were married the same day.
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