In this modern age, in the age of science and technology and computers, one of the great ironies of the intellectual and educated society of the day is that a large section of the society believes that the world only needs science. The other class believes that the world needs spirituality, not science. In fact this is a wrong and wrong assumption.
In fact, both science and spirituality are complementary, collaborative. As much as there is a need for science, there is also a need for spirituality. As much as there is a need for spirituality, there is also a need for science for life. ' Does society need science or spirituality? ' In fact, this is the question. Both the parties strive to prove their beliefs to be paramount by giving more importance to them as they have examples of exceptional knowledge in their favor in both the parties. This causes this confusion.
We work hard to resolve this entanglement based on logic, facts and proportions. Another such question is, 'Does society need a farmer or a soldier?' If only the farmer is needed then one has to be prepared to die due to lack of protection in case of enemy attack and if only the importance of the soldier is accepted instead of the farmer then security will be given but it will also be time to die due to lack of food. Thus it can be said that not only one but both are equally needed. Both are of equal importance. In the same way, in the case of science and study, it can be said that both are complementary to each other, two sides of the same coin. Yes, that's right you can now become known as a Lord of the Rings.
The bag seems to be an example of an ancient, familiar and well-known short story. In a village when there is a fire. Then the people of the village escape and save their lives. But a blind man and a cripple in the village are both crippled and paralyzed. If they had not cooperated, both of them would have died in the fire. Neither can survive. The cripple needed blind legs and the blind needed crippled eyes. This compromise applies equally to both spirituality and science. Either one is lonely, imperfect and paralyzed. Spirituality without science is blind and science without spirituality is lame. Both are required, both are not antagonistic to each other but like the blind and the crippled, if both are cooperated, they prove to be useful to each other.
Science without the spirit of spirituality is dull. Which makes a conscious human being humble and selfish and arrogant.
If the supposed qualities like kindness, grace, compassion, altruism, benevolence, non-violence, compassion, brotherhood and patriotism are lost from human beings, then human beings become demons, beasts or demons. Man's identity is due to the qualities he possesses which can only be attained through spiritual means.
Science has been able to provide atomic bombs such as the atomic bomb and fifty-six rifles that can destroy the entire human race, but science does not have a weapon that can save an innocent person from being killed. The only weapon for this is spirituality, which is called non-violence. 'Non-violence is the ultimate religion.' With this weapon, every living being can be given the fear of Nirbhaya, the blessing of Abhay, the gift of life!
There is also the other side of the coin. Religious leaders, saints, monks, great men, preachers, preachers who work tirelessly for the preservation of spirituality, to bring it to the last person of the society, to keep it alive and to spread it. Useful devices such as electricity, mic, watch, clock, fan, glasses, ballpoint pen, paper, printed books, newspaper issues, vehicle, radio, TV. Taperecorder, CD It's like thinking about how helpless spirituality would be without the tools like DVDs, pen drives and modern day OTGs and mobile phones. All these tools are the gift of search science!
Science can provide man with abundant material resources of happiness and comfort, but in order to attain peace of mind and happiness of the soul, one cannot give up without surrendering to spirituality. Science can provide Dunlopilu's mattress, but sweet sleep can only be found through spirituality. Not only that, a changed attitude can change a person. This theory is not a field of science that can change the attitude of a person to spirituality by changing the attitude of a person to a saint and a peer like a bandit like Angulimal and Jaisal Baharvatiya.
Only science can develop a person's intellect but creating emotion is beyond his reach. There can be no human being without emotion. Ravana, Kansa, Shakuni can become demons like Duryodhana. Lacking the virtues of spirituality, one can become a villain of ignorance. Only true spirituality can awaken the sense of value in a human being and make a person a true human being, a saint, a sati, a martyr and a social reformer. This is possible only through spirituality, not this subject of science.
There is an unavoidable need of human beings. Happiness, peace, joy and worry-free life and get it. The right thing can be obtained from the right place through spiritual path. Money cannot be ordered from a confectionery shop and jalebi cannot be obtained from a post office. Although science and spirituality complement each other, the creation of a great man from a human being, a god from a demon, a gentleman from a villain, Vibhu from an atom, Purushottam from a man and Narayana from a man can only be done through scriptures, saints and culture
The holy scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, therefore, warn man only, saying, 'The virtues or sins of good deeds done by living beings are carried away with them after death. .
It is wise to strive to bring true spirituality to life and to make human birth meaningful. This is the blessing of life, true happiness of life, peace, joy and devotion is never possible to get from anyone except the path of spirituality.
- Harsukhlal C. Vyas
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