Seasonal fruits keep the mind fresh

The most important thing in summer days to maintain energy in the body is that we should avoid mostly spicy fried food and it is good for my health as well as helps to get rid of heat.

To get rid of heat, consume fruits that do not dehydrate our body. And energy levels are also maintained. Here are some tips to help you stay cool in the heat.

- Coconut: Drinking coconut water is very beneficial for health. Coconut water eliminates dehydration in the body. Also relieves problems like stomach ache, acidity and ulcers, but it should not be drunk on an empty stomach. If your body is deficient in glucose, you can use coconut water. It is also beneficial for improving dehydration, weight loss and blood pressure.

Coconut water contains minerals like potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. When there is a problem of dehydration or tingling in the muscles, drink coconut water 3 times a day for 2-3 days. Coconut water has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties. Drinking it regularly strengthens the immune system. The chemical properties of green coconut water are equal to that of plasma. It is an ideal drink for the summer season.

- Lemon: Lemon is a fruit that is available in every season. It doesn’t just enhance the taste of the food. But it also has many medicinal properties. In the summer season, lemon juice cools the body. It is a digestive analgesic, blood purifier, therapeutic, tonic. It puts an end to nervous system disorders and keeps the heart, brain and liver healthy. Lemons contain citric acid, natural sugars calcium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin C. On summer days, lemon juice gives us immediate relief from the heat. Lemon is biliary even though it is acidic.

- Oranges: Consumption of oranges in summer keeps the heart and brain cool. It is rich in vitamin C. It also contains iron and potassium. The biggest uniqueness of oranges is that the fucose, dextrose, minerals and vitamins present in them start giving energy as soon as they reach the body. A glass of orange juice cools the mind and relieves fatigue and stress. It fills the heart as well as the brain with new energy and freshness. Oranges act as a tonic for the digestive system. It is very low in calories. Oranges do not contain any type of saturated fat or cholesterol. It contains fiber, which helps to flush out harmful substances from the body.

- Mango: If you feel weak due to extreme heat in summer, eat mango marmalade and drink water on it. This will remove the weakness. Mango marmalade, if eaten daily in hot weather, proves to be very invigorating and strengthens the brain.

In a way, amla is a treasure trove of virtues. It is rich in iron and vitamin C. Eating it strengthens digestion and the body's immune system. In case of nausea and vomiting, it is beneficial to take mango juice with sugar 2-3 times a day.

- Watermelon: Watermelon is rich in water and sugar. Which keeps you away from dehydration in the summer. In addition it also relieves acidity. It contains good amount of Vitamin ABC as well as Iron. Watermelon balances blood pressure and cures many ailments. Taking half a glass of watermelon juice is beneficial in case of severe heat headache. It provides coolness and does not make you feel hot. In addition to vitamins, it also contains lycopene, which helps keep skin young. It keeps both the mind and the brain cool.

- Teti: Teti not only replenishes dehydration in the body, but also contains a good amount of vitamins ABC and minerals like magnesium, sodium, potassium, which does not increase cholesterol. Therefore, it is very beneficial for weight loss and heart disease. Its regular intake does not cause skin related diseases. It also removes body heat. It is not high in sugar and calories. It is also considered a good source of antioxidants as well as vitamin C.

- Lychee: As amazing as this fruit is in taste, it satisfies the dehydration in the body at the same speed. In addition, the body gets glucose from it. Which relieves fatigue. It is also called the royal fruit. It has a wealth of nutrients. It is rich in Vitamin C, Potassium and Sugar. So it balances the water requirement in the body as well as provides cooling. 10 litchis give us about 6 calories In summer, when the body is deficient in water and minerals, lychee juice proves to be very beneficial. It strengthens digestion.

Grapes: Grapes contain many types of nutrients that are needed to keep the body healthy. Grapes are rich in vitamins, potassium, citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, carbohydrates and glucose, which increase blood flow in the body and eliminate weakness. The sugars present in grapes are easily absorbed into the blood and provide a new energy to the body by relieving fatigue. Grapes easily flush out the toxins present in the body and it balances the blood salts. The effect of ripe grapes is cool.

Kothu: In summer, Kothu syrup does not only fill the inside with coolness and freshness. But many problems associated with health.
