- The true understanding of the sentence Brahman seeks and asks
Sudama was a born theologian, he took a bag of chickpeas in his hand and knew all the secrets. Sudama thought Gurumata said, "Divide these chickpeas evenly and eat them, but these chickpeas are cursed."
There is a big suspicion about Su Dama that his character is written / read / heard by storytellers ... that Sudama was a learned Brahmin, how can he eat chickpeas by hiding from his child friend Krishna?
Discussing this Bhagavat, a lecturer dispelled this doubt which everyone needs to understand in order to get a true understanding of Sudama's poverty. There is a very interesting and sacrificial story behind Sudama's poverty and theft ... A very poor old woman Doshi was living a life of begging. There was a time when he did not get alms for five days, he drank water every day and went to bed in the name of God. On the sixth day, he got two handfuls of chickpeas in alms. Thinking that he would sacrifice Thakorji, he tied the chickpeas in his clothes. And after Doshi's sleep, a thief came to his hut to steal Vasudev's name. The thief saw a bag of chickpeas and realized that there were gold coins tied in it. And hearing the screams, the people gathered around, ran to catch all the thieves, took a bag of chickpeas, ran away and hid in the ashram of Sandipan Muni for fear of being caught. Shri Krishna and Sudama were receiving education in the ashram of Sandipan Muni. Hearing the thief's footsteps, Gurumata felt that someone had come to the ashram
Gurumata shouted - who is it?
Seeing Gurumata coming towards him, the thieves left the bag of chickpeas and fled
Doshi, disturbed by hunger, learned that the thief had picked up the bag of chickpeas and fled.
So he cursed
"Anyone who eats the chickpeas of the poor and helpless will become poor". While sweeping this side of the ashram, Gurumata found a bag of chickpeas. Gurumata opened the bag and saw that Sudama and Lord Krishna were going to weave wood in the forest at that time. Potli said giving to Sudama
"Son! When you feel hungry, you both eat these chickpeas. "
Sudama was a born theologian, he took a bag of chickpeas in his hand and knew all the secrets. Sudama thought Gurumata said, "Divide these chickpeas evenly and eat them, but these chickpeas are cursed."
If I give this chickpea to Tribhuvanapati Lord Krishna to eat, my Lord and the three worlds will not become poor - no, I will not allow this to happen at all.
While I am alive, "Lord" becomes poor! I will never do that! I will eat this chickpea but I will not let Krishna eat it! And Sudama hid from Krishna and ate all the chickpeas.
Sudama alleviated poverty by eating cursed chickpeas, but Vala Sudama also suffered the inconvenience of stealthily eating chickpeas to set an example of the unique sacrifice that saved his friend Lord Krishna.
So the deep suspicion was dispelled by explaining the true nature of the story which gave a very unjust misunderstanding.
Now it is known why Krishna loved Sudamo more than Patrani.
He was Kano Kanudo but he was also a man of the age.
Even the Nath of the three Bhuvans was unable to repay Sudama's renunciation, benevolence and love.
Vipra, the supreme sage, was thirsty for the love of his friend, he was pitiful, patiently endured the loss of his friend for the rest of his life.
If the lord of Dwarika puts the dot on bare feet to squeeze the mustard on his chest
In front of the Patranis, Sudama, who was impoverished in his filthy clothes, washed his feet and took the dead feet.
Sakha Keshav and his friend Madhav are determined to avoid poverty by using rice
In the definition of friendship, Sudama Krishna has made all measurements, even dimensions, dwarfs. A Brahmin seeks renunciation of love and maintains a loving relationship
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