Varsharani Risana Re ....

- '' We did Havan to persuade Varsharani, everyone requested a lot but the angry Varsharani does not believe. Now we have to go personally to convince Varsharani. "

- Varsharani said angrily, "When you throw a weapon at a plant that has been irrigated with my water, you have no idea how much it hurts?"

It was summer. The bright rays of the sun all around were scattering intense heat. Humans, animals, small creatures were all shouting Trahim ... Trahim. The vegetation was also drying up due to the heat. In such heat, the entire ecosystem wanted the rainforest to arrive sooner.

It was time for the rain queen to arrive, but she was nowhere to be seen. All the people in the town were disturbed by the heat. An old and wise Nagaraj proposed that if Hom-havan was done, Varsharani would be needed. Everyone listened to the elder's words, and they huddled together. Havan got married well but..failed ... Varsharani did not appear. The people kept looking at the sky, looking for the rain queen, praying with folded hands.

The rivers and wells near the town started drying up and there was a shortage of water everywhere. Everyone started thinking what to do now? All began to discuss within. One day, Nagarshet addressed everyone and said, "We went to Havan to persuade Varsharani. Now we have to go personally to persuade the rain queen, to beg her to fall on her feet and come to earth. "

"But Shetji, who will go to convince Varsharani?" Said one of the townspeople confused. Everyone fell into thought. After a while, Valuvanio stood up and said, 'If you all agree, I will try to convince Varsharani.' Everyone agreed. Valuvanio was happy, and he took Nagarshet's leave and went home.

The next day Valu Vaniyo did not wash early, got ready and sat down in worship, and began to meditate on Varsharani. After a while, Varsharani appeared and said, "Why did you miss me? Ball, what's your job? "

"Hey Varsharani. I have come to plead with you to come to earth. The whole ecosystem needs you, everyone cries out to you. So you come to earth, ”said Valu Vanio.

"O man, your self is becoming ruthless day by day. Human beings have become ruthless. He is very fond of this earth, this nature. I have suffered many wounds ... and you have spoken ... where have you committed less crime? You are always making a profit by messing up the scales ... Confused ... Your request is not acceptable to me ... I will not wait ... You go back .... '' After saying this, Varsharani disappeared. Valu Vanio turned back to Ville's mouth.

When the townspeople found out that Varsharani had not accepted Valu Vaniya's request, they became worried. What to do next? It became a topic of discussion, the Dalu tailor who was present there said, "All of you give me leave, then I will try to convince Varsharani. I will sacrifice myself to convince Varsharani. '' Seeing the determination of Dalu Darji, everyone agreed and Dalu Darji went home. The next day, Dalu, the tailor, did not wash and sat in worship, and began to take care of Varsharani. Everyone on earth is waiting for you. I will do as much penance as you say, I will fast but you come to earth, have mercy on us. "

"Pity ... and it's up to you ..."

Alas, you do not feel sorry for yourself. You ... mankind ... yourself have forgotten to have mercy on others. I was always free and waiting on the earth, sharing happiness with everyone, but what did you do? Tie off my flow. You pollute me and my water. Besides, you are the one who spreads mankind. Where do you spend your money on clothes? I do not approve of your request. So much so that Varsharani started walking and started singing.

"I am not the one with Vaniya, I am the one with Ray ....

I'm not a tailor ...

I will stay in my heavenly color ... ''

When Dalu Darji also returned to Vile Mouth, the gold carpenter took the consent of the townspeople to persuade Varsharani and when he paid homage to Varsharani, Varsharani said angrily, Doesn't it matter how much he is in pain? For your convenience, you are eradicating the plant that I have grown ... merciless .... stay away from here .... '' After saying this, Varsharani started walking and started singing.

"I wouldn't turn to a carpenter

I will be in the sky for me. "

The potter of the town, the doctor, all tried, but failed. Mankind began to cry because of the failed result. Everyone started thinking what will happen if Varsharani doesn't come?

Seeing the miserable condition of human beings, animals and creatures without rain, tears came to the eyes of the Khemu farmer. When the Khemu farmer asked Nagarshet and the townspeople for permission to go to persuade Varsharani, one of them said,

"Nagarshetji, I don't see the condition of everyone, everyone is confused without water ... you just let me make an effort ..." Khemu farmer said with a pair of hands. "One more effort with so much effort ..." Go if you try too .... Nagarshet spoke. The Khemu farmer was happy, and took everyone's leave and went home.

The next day the Khemu farmer got up as usual and reached the field. Raising his hands from the ground to the soil of the field, he said with a pair of hands, "O rain queen, our life-giver, accept my prayer. The world calls me Annadata. I have to fill the stomachs of all mankind, animals, creatures. What will I do if you get angry? I don’t want to keep anyone hungry. Even when you are annoyed with me by heavy rains or droughts, I fill the stomachs of mankind by enduring everything. Hey Varsharani, forgive me if I have done anything wrong. I will work very hard, I will do whatever you want in the cold sun, but have mercy ... have mercy ... '' You come to earth ... this son of the earth begs you to bow your head ... Tears welled up in the farmer's eyes as he spoke.

Varsharani accepted the farmer's request and said,

"I am the farmer's wife, I will return immediately ..."

I will go to earth, Rangavadli ....

After a while, heavy clouds came up in the sky. Megharaja's ride arrived. Lightning flashed. With the sound of drums, the rain queen ran towards the earth.

In a few minutes the rain queen arrived on earth. After all the townspeople were happy that Varsharani had accepted Khemu farmer's request, everyone started thanking him. The children became mad and started bathing in the rain water and splashing. The beasts also rejoiced. Peacock began to dance. The frog's drowns ... drowns began to sound. The vegetation began to zoom in the pouring rain. Coolness and happiness pervaded all around.

Reader friends, see how Varsharani did you or the philanthropic farmer ...!

- Bharti p. Shah
