What is pride? Violence or Self-Esteem?

- Subtitled-Summary-Dr. Kulinchandra Po. Sacrifice

Jyotiringan stories are not ashamed

Yattam: Shamayitu Twamihase.

There are so many stories

यत्त्वमेव तिमिरेडभिलक्ष्यसे ।।

(Hey Agia! Why aren't you ashamed of your efforts to destroy the darkness with your twinkling rays?

Why don't you pay attention to the fact that in the dark you alone - only you - can be visible?)

Pride is considered a major vice in our ethics. Without skills, without prowess or success, without any kind of achievement, it is a great moral crime not to respect oneself the greatest and most powerful, to boast, to despise everyone else. Great examples of arrogant man are shown in Puranas like Ravana, Hiranya Kashyapu and also the chitar of their fall. Society does not respect arrogant men.

The poet of Subhashit explains this in a slightly awkward way by giving the example of Agia.

Everyone must have seen the blazing fire in the dark night. But in the wilderness, in the dead of night, the thrill of seeing countless fires flickering around a single tree may have been palpable. Like a chandelier lit by God Himself in the temple of nature!

But here it is different. The poet admonishes Agia that you have gone out to fight Timirasur with your tamtamiu, it shows your pride, generosity, stupidity, because you know that you cannot end the darkness. So showing your pride that I have come out with a children's Diwali gun against such an invincible enemy. So instead you should be ashamed of your stupidity.

On the contrary, the adornment of slaying is the fact that God gives the power to produce such a tiny ray of light that nothing else can be seen in the darkness. There, with your small self-power, you are powerful enough to let others see and recognize you, your personality, your identity. No other terrestrial animal has this power. Respect the pride and joy that is in you.

The teaching is fiery. The target is the human race!
