Adopt yoga for a healthy, fit body

The largest organ of the body is the skin. This may not be felt, but the skin is the same as the rest of the body. The skin works in the same way as the body does. It breathes in oxygen and emits carbon dioxide, and new skin grows when something is blown. Ayurveda and yoga have a direct relationship with the skin. Ayurvedic plant wraps and massages are good for the skin but not synonymous with skin care. Combining yoga with the use of these ayurvedic skin products also helps in digestion, blood flow, peace of mind and all these are indirectly necessary for skin care. Beauty is a total effect. But till now different things of Ayurveda were taken only for the use of health or daily care. In order to understand the concept of beauty based on Ayurveda as well as to connect it properly with yoga, it is first necessary to understand how Ayurveda works on the body.

The seven metals in the body play a big part in making a person physically beautiful. These metals i.e. juice, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow and Venus.

All these metals support each other. The juice nourishes the blood and the blood supports the flesh and in this way all the metals one after the other. Now if any one of these seven metals also suffers then other metals depending on it also suffer. To get beautiful skin, the condition of juice, blood and meat needs to be very good. Juice means plasma needs good digestion and proper diet. Eat foods rich in minerals so that the toxins are reduced and the meat with good blood and a little exercise.

That is why diet, digestion, good oxygen and yogic exercises are most needed to get beautiful skin. The control of strong and shiny hair is in the bone marrow i.e. bone marrow, while the function of Venus metal is to brighten the hair and skin. And because of this shine, the skin becomes more flexible and when it is strong, the skin becomes smooth, clear and shiny and the hair becomes thick and shiny. The face looks calm and the smile looks natural. The various tools used in yoga work to make the body flexible as well as detoxify the body. The treatment of getting strong hair and glowing skin with the help of yoga is also centuries old. Yoga improves body posture and gives a young look. However, if you want to get yogic beauty, you need a balanced diet and exercise along with it. Yoga has also been shown to reduce skin blemishes, acne, etc. Apart from this, excessive elasticity of the skin, reduction in the skin around the eyes and signs of aging on the face are seen after doing yoga.

Beauty Ass

Regularly doing some asanas like Suryanamaskar, Trikonasana, Pawanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Pranayama, Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom to get beauty from yoga can also get beautiful skin with curvy body

Moisturizer, night cream, face pack, peel off mask, toners, massage cream and scrub. What is missing in this list of skin care? Nothing is missing in general, but it is also a fact that these beauty products only make the skin glow from the outside. Nutritious diet as well as yoga is required to cleanse the skin from within.

Yoga not only keeps the body healthy, but also cleanses and brightens the skin from the inside out. Yoga works like magic in skin care. Talking about this, holistic health guru and yoga expert Mickey Mehta says, 'Yoga has always been excellent for the body. Yoga improves blood circulation, increases hormones. And improves heart rate which makes the skin better from the inside out. '

"Asanas like Sarvangasana, Chakrasana, Halasana, Kapalbhati, Anulom and Paschimasthanasana really benefit," says Mickey, describing the asanas that benefit the skin. Different asanas of yoga help in reducing stress. The meditative mind remains calm. Speaking about this, Mickey says, "Yoga improves the body from the inside out and stays good, so its effect is seen directly on the face."

Mickey Mehta talks about what else to do for the skin besides doing yoga.

Home remedies should also be done regularly. Mix yoghurt in chickpea flour regularly and apply it on the face and neck. Apart from this, mix lemon juice in multa clay or honey and apply it on the face as a face pack, which makes the skin soft. It is also important to clean the skin with soap-free cleanser every morning.

Sarvagasana: Lying on the back, keeping the hands on the waist and lifting the legs, this asana is beneficial in blood pressure, thyroid, menstrual problems in women, etc. All these diseases cause skin dullness and Sarvangasana is beneficial in this.

Chakrasana: This asana is used to stretch the abdominal muscles and reduce shoulder and abdominal fat, but it also benefits the skin.

Headstand: This posture is difficult to balance the whole body on the head support, with the head upside down, but it gives the face a long lasting glow. Standing on the head means that the blood flow starts to go downwards which increases the blood circulation towards the face. Reversing the flow of gravity in this way gives the face a face-lift, as the skin in this asana hangs in the opposite direction. Which means getting rid of wrinkles. Inverting the head brings oxygen to the face and makes the skin glow.

Pranayama: Breathing well is the first step to getting good skin. Kapalbhati pranayama is considered to be the most beneficial for this. Doing forehead massage for 15 minutes every day will make the skin glow and wrinkles and fine lines will not appear. Apart from this, Anulom-Vilom is also useful for the body and skin.
