The chariot of human life, which is on the path of happiness and sorrow, moves on the ups and downs of the world at a relentless pace. Happiness is always joyful. In happy moments our mind stays healthy and cheerful. Sad thoughts never come at that time. In times of happiness we experience heaven. Grief is a medicine that makes a healthy person sick. Every sad moment is full of confusion. A mournful face, fierce temper, and apathy deprive a person of inner strength. Sad results come soon. The saints explain that happiness is the cause of sorrow. But understanding it and putting it into life is the end of life. There are two aspects of happiness and misery in the life cycle. The aspect of life changes. Then happiness and sorrow are experienced. Many lives end on one aspect. Whether it is happiness or sorrow. There is something sad behind happiness but it is not understood.
The world is changing. This is a natural rule. If you study this rule, you will understand that there is a beautiful and captivating atmosphere in the morning. The sun's rays make the atmosphere beautiful. The slowly changing sun enters at noon. The cold morning wind warms the afternoon. Then the sun goes down in the evening as time goes on. A few cold winds are experienced. The dark night is coming. As time goes on, people enjoy life with the cool rays of the sun again in the beautiful morning. According to this rule, happiness after sorrow, joy after sorrow, light after darkness. All these actions go on in a natural order. One thing is not always the same, it changes over time. Happiness does not last forever. Even sorrow does not last forever.
- Bhagubhai Bhimda
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