Here's how to show the diabetes that is applied during corona treatment

- Sugar problems are mostly caused by a disturbance in the pancreas. Most of the patients who have diabetes due to corona have been found to have type-1 diabetes. In such patients insulin production does not stop completely, but decreases.

Corona has flattened millions in the last year and a half. Of course, the number of survivors is many times greater than the number of victims. But the post-coronary symptoms seen in those who beat the corona also bother them. Experts say that even after oozing out of the corona, many patients show post-corona symptoms inside and outside the body. The patient's heart, lungs, intestines, pancreas (pancreas) are affected by the corona.

Patients who need to be given steroids during Corona treatment are more likely to develop diabetes due to its overdose. In those who have coronary heart disease, the sugar level reaches 400-500. Those who develop diabetes while undergoing treatment for corona are worried that they will not have to deal with the disease for the rest of their lives.

Experts say that the problem of sugar is mostly due to the disturbance in the pancreas. Most of the patients who have diabetes due to corona have been found to have type-1 diabetes. In such patients insulin production does not stop completely, but decreases. It can be controlled with medication or insulin for a few days and with care in eating. While patients with type 1 diabetes have low levels of insulin, they have to take lifelong insulin and medication to control their diabetes.

Explaining how or why blood sugar rises, experts say that when we eat something, the level of glucose in the body rises. And the pancreas does the job of controlling it. Beta cells in the pancreas make insulin. When the corona occurs, the pancreas, like other organs, becomes inflamed. This in turn affects the ability of beta cells to make insulin. Naturally the level of sugar in the body rises. But as the swelling subsides, sugar levels also return to normal. Of course, this requires efforts to reduce the swelling of the pancreas as well as control the sugar. Negligence in this matter also affects the eyes, veins and the immune system.

In some cases, it has been reported that patients already have diabetes, but they are unaware of the disease. When they have corona and they are diagnosed with diabetes during the test, they assume that their sugar level has increased due to corona. In addition, the problem of sugar is directly related to blood pressure. As the blood sugar level rises, so does the patient's blood pressure. Or even an increase in BP can lead to an increase in sugar. Eventually both of these affect the heart, kidneys and liver. Therefore, when the level of sugar in the body rises in any way, measures to control it should be taken immediately.

Now before we talk about these remedies it is equally important to know what effect sugar has on organs like kidneys, heart. If we talk about the kidneys first, the effect of sugar on them is the first. Therefore, diabetic patients should undergo KFT (Kidney Function Test) every six months. This test measures the level of creatinine and urea in the body. If its level is elevated then understand that the kidneys have started to be damaged. Explaining how the heart is at risk due to diabetes, experts say that rising sugar makes the blood vessels harder.

As a result, blood pressure rises and there is a risk of heart attack. Not only that, it causes the veins to weaken. The patient does not even realize that the result is a leg injury. Gangrene is more likely to occur in such a condition. Speaking of the liver, it is the only organ in our body that performs 300 functions. Rising sugar levels affect his work. The production of enzymes produced in it decreases. Complaints of fatty liver are more common in diabetic patients. Therefore, it is essential to control sugar.

Now when it comes to controlling sugar levels, the first thing you need to know is whether you had diabetes before coronary heart disease. For this, immediately after getting out of the corona, get the lumbar 1b sugar tested. This test can diagnose the sugar condition of the last three months. If the level in the report is less than 2.5, understand that you did not have diabetes before. But if this level goes up, you are already a diabetic. Importantly, Corona's patient has high blood sugar levels for 30 to 40 days after receiving steroids. So after recovering from the corona, consult an endocrinologist to control the speed at which the sugar builds up. At home, on an empty stomach in the morning, in the afternoon and at night before meals, check the sugar level three times using a glucometer. And taking it with the advice of a medicine or insulin doctor.

Apart from this, take small amount of carbohydrates (rice, bread, sweets, etc.) in dinner, try to lose weight if you are overweight, do regular 5 minutes of yoga and 10 minutes of light exercise. If you don't feel tired after doing yoga for so many minutes, gradually increase the time. But don’t make the mistake of suddenly starting heavy exercises.

You can also prepare a specific schedule of four-five tank meals if you want to control sugar. Include foods that are low in calories but high in nutrients. like..

* Get up in the morning and drink half a lemon in a glass of plain water. It helps in flushing out the toxins in the body.

* Eat foods rich in fiber between eight and nine o'clock in the morning. It can be mixed with wheat-gram-millet-millet-sorghum flour, mugni dal pudla, a bowl of seasonal vegetables and oatmeal, a bowl of paneer vegetables.

Then before lunch, take sprouted mugs, chickpeas, soybeans, fruits between 11 and 12 o'clock. Take a glass of buttermilk or a bowl of yogurt with it.

Have a meal between one and two o'clock in the afternoon. Take one to two loaves of bread, a bowl of lentils, vegetables, salad.

Take a bowl of chickpeas or beans between four and six o'clock in the evening. You can also take one or two nuts and four or five nuts at this time if you wish. Apart from that, fruits like purple also remain beneficial.

Keep carbohydrates to a minimum at dinner. Instead, take two bowls of lentils, a bowl of green vegetables and a plate of salad or fruit to fill the pot.

Drink a cup of turmeric milk before going to bed at night. Similarly, taking one teaspoon of cinnamon powder at any time throughout the day also relieves the swelling inside the body.

Seeds of sunflower, linseed, dhiya, chia, watermelon, chibhada etc. can also be taken whenever you want during the day. Yes, avoid junk food altogether. Likewise, keep away from sore throats.

Diabetes applied during corona treatment can also be eliminated with this type of care.

- Vaishali Thakkar
