Inventor of Chloroform: James Young Simpson

- Scientists of the world

The patient is anesthetized by sniffing chloroform to avoid pain during the operation. The cuts that occur during the operation are painful. If the patient is conscious, then it is necessary to make him unconscious if he becomes frightened by suffocation and seeing cuts. In earlier times, patients were operated on without realizing it and many patients died as a result. A scientist named James Simpson discovered the use of chloroform. The operation then became easier. Today many methods have been developed to keep the patient unconscious for as long as desired. Before the operation the patient is anesthetized by a specially trained anesthetic.

James Simpson was born on June 7, 1911, in the village of Bathgate, Scotland. Her father was an accountant at the Royal Bank. Born into a wealthy family, Jameson was admitted to the University of Edinburgh at the age of 18. He joined there as a professor after completing his education in 18 AD. Made a professor at the youngest age. He became a doctor at the age of 12 only.

James Simpson was a scholar. Always surrounded by educated class. In 18 AD, he discovered that sniffing chloroform causes temporary unconsciousness. He first experimented with chloroform on his own and remained unconscious for twelve hours. He passed away on the 6th of May, 180 AD. There are many monuments to him in England.
