Usually, newcomers get a chance to make their debut in Bollywood with a top actor. But what if a new actor gets to start his career with 'Acting Empress'? Yes, this is the lucky actor Kunal Kapoor. Kunal's 'Meenakshi: A Tale of Three Cities' (2007) gave her the opportunity to make her Bollywood debut by working with Tabu. Kunal Kapoor then won the Best Supporting Actor award for his performance in 'Rang De Basanti' with Aamir Khan. Now the rhythm was created as if the star of Kunal's fortune was moving towards the heights. Significantly, Kunal was hired by Sagamte in 'Chunari Mein Daag' (2006), 'Aaja Nach Le' (2009) and 'Bachna Ay Haseeno' (2007).
In Rahul Dholakia's movie 'Lamha' in 2010, Kunal played the role of a young politician from Kashmir. Kunal Kapoor, who has shown his acting prowess in these and a number of other movies, once said that actors are lucky. How many lives they have the opportunity to live in a single life of their own. However, when Kunal said this, he had no idea that he would get a chance to live so many lives together by playing a number of characters in just one film.
What the actor said instinctively proved to be true for him. In his recently released film 'Koi Jaane Na', he has played many roles together, including a scary old man, Sardarji, an adult with a cut on his face and a woman. And out of all these characters the female character he played is the most acclaimed.
Kunal said about all these characters of his that I have to patiently devote even painful hours of time for the prosthetic work of each character. But after seeing the way the audience has appreciated all my characters, I feel like I am tasting the sweet fruit of that patience. It was the first time I had the opportunity to play a number of roles in the same cinema. What could be more exciting for me as an artist?
And now the actor has to play better characters in his future films than before.
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