- Vichar-Vithika: Devesh Mehta
'Surveys in the form of power are supremely meritorious.
Sada shankaryukte cha pati dehi namodastu te ..
O Shakti Swarupa Parvati. You are the support of the whole world, the treasure of all virtues and the one who always experiences the coincidence of Lord Shankara. Hello to you You give me the best husband.
O Gauri Patimarjno Pativratparayane.
Pativrate patirate pati dehi namodastute ..
Pativratparayan hai gauri who knows the essence of husband.
O Pativrata, O husband, Parvati who rejoices in love. Give me a husband. Hello to you Shiva Shankar saubhagya yukte saubhagyadayini. Harin kant saubhagya yukte saubhagya dayini. Harin kantan cha saubhagya dehi devi namodastu te ..
O Parvati. You are blessed with Shiva and good luck to Surve. O Goddess. Please grant me that Shri Hari is my Pranavallabh and my good fortune. Hello. '
'Stotrenanen yaastutva Shivam on the day of completion.
Namanti parya bhaktya ta labhanti harin patim.
The women who praise Goddess Parvati with this hymn at the end of the vow and bow down to her with utmost devotion receive Sakshat Shri Hari as a patriarch.
'Ih kantasukh bhukatva pati prapya paratparam.
Divya syandanmaruhay yantyante Krishna sannidhim.
In this world, after receiving the Supreme God as a husband, enjoying the happiness of the husband, at the end of his life, he gets on the divine plane and moves in the vicinity of Lord Krishna.
- Brahmavaivarta Purana-Janakikrit Parvati Stotra-
(Verses 1,2,10,11,12)
Jaya Parvati fast starts from Triodashi (Teras) of Shukla Paksha of Ashadh month every year. This fast is performed to please mother Parvati. Like Gangauri, Haritalika, Mangalagauri and Saubhagya Sundari vows, this Jaya Parvati vow also has great glory. According to mythology, by performing this vow, virgin girls get an excellent husband and married women get the blessing of unbroken good fortune from mother Parvati. This vow brings excellent marital happiness, worldly happiness, longevity. This fast lasts for five days and worships mother Parvati and Shiva. The virgin bride prays for the attainment of her favorite groom - 'O Gauri Shankarardhangi, as Shankarapriya. And in Kuru Kalyani, Kant Kanta Sudurlabham. Jaya Parvatiji has a very generous nature.
In the Puranas, the story of Jaya-Parvati is as follows- In the town of Kaudinya, there lived a well-to-do Brahmin named Vaman. His virtuous, devout wife's name was Satya. Thus he was happy in every way but sad because he did not have children. One day Nardji visited his house. They both treated him with hospitality and asked for a solution to their grief. He said, 'In the southern part of the forest outside this town, under a billow tree, Lord Shivaji is sitting with his mother Parvatiji in linga form. Worshiping Him will fulfill your psychic desires. The Brahmin couple went to the forest, found the Shivling and started worshiping it. One day while the dwarf was picking a flower for worship, he was bitten by a poisonous snake and died. Satya saw this and started shouting to the forest deity and Parvatiji. To alleviate his grief, Jaya-Parvatiji appeared and nectar poured into the mouth of a Brahmin dwarf. The dwarf survived. The couple then praised and worshiped him. Pleased with this, Parvatiji asked him to ask for a blessing. He prayed to have excellent offspring. Mother Parvati asked him to perform Jaya-Parvati (Vijaya-Parvati) fast with rituals. He thus fasted for five days from Ashadh Sud Teras. From which he got an excellent Putra Ratna and for a long time he enjoyed all those happiness and remained uninterrupted.
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