- Health Sanjeevani - Jahanviben Bhatt
Ayurveda is a medicine thousands of years old. It contains thousands of descriptions of each disease, and treatment by Ayurvedic sages.
Today, after the Corona epidemic, the problem of mucosal mycosis is arising. That mucor mycosis is described in the chapter on 'Deworming' in Ayurveda. This is a type of fungus. Another name for mucor mycosis is "Black Fungus".
A similar problem was seen during Corona's first wave. And when Corona did not have name-marks. Even then, Mucker's cases were seen. But throughout the year, only 8 to 10 cases of mucosal mycosis were seen, and only those with HIV-AIDS, those with very high diabetes, those who had an organ transplant, and those with very low immunity. But in the first wave of corona, people who have been given oxygen in the corona, given steroids, given remedesavir, and whose diabetes has exceeded 200 mg ..... were found to have an infection of mucor mycosis.
But Corona’s second wave is seeing a lot of change. This time mucor mycosis is also seen in people who are undergoing corona treatment at home. This time one or two such cases have also been seen. It has also been found in 15 year old and 15 year old children.
Mucker fungi are present everywhere in the environment, in plants, in soil, in plants. But if our immunity is good, the mucker can do nothing to us.
The reason for mucosal mycosis after corona is that even after recovery from corona, the patient's immunity to corona is very low for a temporary period of time. Mucus fungus attacks only patients with such low immunity. Even those who have had coronary artery disease with SNG symptoms have had their immunity down, in addition to those who have had coronary heart disease but have not seen any other symptoms, they also have Down Immunity. Mucor mycosis is currently entering only through the nose and mouth. So people with coronary heart disease or coronary heart disease should take the following precautions for 1 to 3 months now. Caution is the best treatment.
1) Do not consume bread at home. If bread arrives, finish using it on the same day.
3) Do not keep stale bread in the bread box. Always use hot and freshly baked bread.
2) There is always fungus in the soil, so do not do ginning or planting right now. If you have to water the plants in the garden, wear a double mask.
3) Use freeze items on the same day. Do not eat vegetables etc. the next day.
3) Check that there is no fungus in the rubber band of the freezer etc. or inside the freezer, always keep the freezer clean.
3) Do not sniff and check any desert food. Such as mango, bread, lentils etc. are good or spoiled, do not smell it as it gives negative pressure. If there is fungus in the spoiled food, the fungus will go into the nose as soon as we sniff it and it will affect patients with Down Immunity immediately.
2) For Kovid patient in the hospital, if the cooler is running or Deses .... cooler is on and it is not cleaned properly, it can also cause mucus. So running it with a fan and giving it to a patient who is on oxygen by passing 05 through the water greatly reduces the chances of fungus.
Patients with corona positive should wear a double mask when going out for at least 6 months after becoming minimally positive.
- Stay away from soil, dust or fungus.
- The water coming from the tap can also contain fungus, so always drink boiled water.
- Rest completely, get 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
- To be happy, to be happy, to be positive.
- Eat hot food - Eat fresh food. Do light exercise.
- To do pranayama in the morning.
- Ayurveda's immune booster drugs should be continued during the epidemic.
- To reduce the consumption of G.B.
Remedies: Prevention is more important than treatment in mucous mycosis. In which,
1) Take 2 gms of crystal ash, 10 gms of Haridvachurna and 20 gms of Saughav, put fern oil in it and make a paste and brush it on the teeth. So as to avoid ainhkirbauh in the teeth.
3) Apply 2-3 drops of hexagonal oil or atomic oil in the nose every day, to avoid infection from the nose. If it is not available, add 2 drops of cow ghee.
3) Add ajmo and salt in the morning and evening and take its steam through the nostrils.
2) When taking steam, keep in mind that the steam should be taken out through the nose through the mouth and taken out through the mouth through the nose.
3) The patient can also be asked to sniff ginger, cut fruit powder as the main vein. After inhaling the vapor, the first nasal spray should be given to the patient and then atomic oil etc. should be injected into the nose as an antidote / nasal spray. So that NASA's bhakpaiya is completely destroyed.
2) The use of Ayurvedic antiseptic drugs should be continued during the epidemic as per the advice of experts, because if the antiseptic is effective, new viruses, bacteria and fungi can not spoil anything.
4) In addition to this, even if ginger seeds like mug seeds are placed near the nose, it is very beneficial to prevent this infection.
Let's talk about the symptoms that can occur when this disease starts to occur,
1) Headache can occur on the left or right side only.
2) The eye becomes heavy.
2) The nose becomes heavy.
2) Swelling near the nose.
2) The vaccine seems to be coming out of the gums.
2) Most of the time the teeth are moving. There is pain in the teeth.
2) It seems that the vaccine is coming out of the teeth.
If you notice all these symptoms, you should immediately contact an Ayurveda specialist, dentist and surgeon.
Those who have recovered from covid should also be careful and check the following things.
1) Wash your hands thoroughly and move your finger around the nose or around the entire sinus area. If there is swelling, there will be pain.
3) Keep checking whether there is pain or swelling with the finger around the cheek.
2) Does the tooth get pus or vaccine? Do you have a toothache? Whether the teeth move or not.
All of the above should be checked daily.
In addition, food protocol should be very careful. Coughing should not be given to the patient. Freeze water, juices, cold drinks, yogurt, sweets as well as buttermilk should be avoided at night.
- Even now in summer, if it can be run with a fan, it should be kept closed. So that the chances of getting fungus due to moisture are reduced.
- Each room should have full ventilation so that there is no danger of transition if there is air circulation.
If the mucosal mycosis is exacerbated, it is easier to treat, but if it does increase, it can be very difficult to treat as soon as the symptoms appear, as the fungus progresses very quickly. From the nose the fungus goes into the sinuses. The sinuses are filled with bharnji bhachpaia. And have a humid atmosphere. In such an environment the fungus grows very fast. This is where the fungus can be easily treated if caught.
If the treatment takes time, the fungus spreads to the teeth, jaw, sinuses, eyes and finally to the brain.
Eyes should be removed if the eyes are overgrown.
If the fungus reaches the brain, there can also be a lot of rheumatoid arthritis.
And for all this, then dental surgeons, esophageal surgeons, rheumatologists, neurosurgeons and anesthesiologists may also have to be hired. So it is advisable that this fungus does not occur already. To take such measures and for that first of all increase one's immunity and take precaution. Because there are more necessary precautions than treatment.
To boost immunity, ayurvedic medicines must be continued as long as the epidemic continues, according to expert advice.
Children, the elderly and patients already suffering from serious diseases have low immunity, so during such transitions, the only treatment for these people is to take special care, adopt Ayurveda and boost the immune system. In which there are no two votes.
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