Narad sage and Russia.

- Seminar of Parijat- Dr. Kumarapala Desai

I must be surprised that the relationship between India and Russia is not only five thousand or ten thousand years old, but thousands of years old. Today we study the Narad Samhitas that become a guide in life, that is Russia’s relationship with Naradrishi.

This may come as a surprise to some, but the highest peak of the Ural Mountains, extending from Russia's Arctic Ocean in the north to the Kazakh border in the south, has been known to locals for years as the 'Narad Peak'. We know that Naradrishi took a harp and traveled all over the world like a pilgrim to heaven, earth, abyss. Gods, demons and human beings were revered. The name Narad is associated with the highest peak in the Ural Mountains of Russia and was named Mount Narodnaya in October, the tenth anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917. The peak is 404 meters high and today the name is used in all geographical contexts and maps of Russia.

Narad has to do something special in the case of Russia. If we look at our mythological history, Narde told Indra that even though Hiranyakashipu's wife was a demon, the unborn child would become a devotee of Prahlad Vishnu. Father Hiranyakashipu first persuaded Prahlada to return to his devotion to Lord Vishnu. And did not understand, so threw it down from the mountain. Tried to kill with violent beasts, but out of all this, Prahlad got angry due to devotion to Vishnu. So, as a last resort, he tried to burn Prahlada in the lap of a demon named Holika as a last resort, but Holika, who was not burnt by the fire, died and Lord Vishnu saved the child Prahlada.

If you look at the research done by Stephen Kanap in this regard, he said that the sculpture of Vishnu, which was made in the 7th to 10th century AD in 2006, was found in Russia. Which proves that Vedic culture was prevalent here too. The area where this sculpture was found is an area called Saraya Maya and this Saraya is mentioned in the first Veda Rig Veda. Moreover, many names in this area are similar to Sanskrit names. Therefore, the worship of Hindu temples is similar to the worship of special Russian Orthodox Christianity, and the same festival of Maslenitsa takes place in Russia, as in the Hindu scriptures of Holikadahan. This is the most ancient festival of Slavic culture. It lasts for a week and in some respects it is like the Holi festival of India. Just as the bonfire is burned in India, so is the statue of Maslenitsa.

Russia is divided into six regions, one of which is the Ural Mountains. The chairman of the committee on religious affairs in the Ural region, Prof. Alexander Vasiyevich Medvedev says, "Russian scientists acknowledge that Vedic culture developed here and that the area around the Volga River was its center. They also discuss whether these Aryans came from the Ural Mountains and then spread everywhere or they came here from India.

Similarly, Mr. Nitin Mehta from London, who studied Russian language, noticed that in Russia the word 'dos ​​vidayanya' is used for the word 'goodbye'. We know that farewell is a Sanskrit word. According to some, Sanskrit is the mother of these European languages. For example, the Celtic people used to call it 'Temesisad' because of the river Thames in Britain and it means 'Tamasad' meaning black. According to him, although the Indo-European language has nothing to do with the Swahili language of Africa, many of these words are taken from Sanskrit. Such collective effort is called 'Harambe' in the Swahili language of Africa and is thought to have come from the word 'Har Ambe'.

Linguists are also doing a lot of research on the names of geographical places and they also say that there are many similarities between the names of rivers. Russian linguist Al Sobolevsky has shown what Sanskrit names are associated with Russian rivers and lakes, and in such words the Sanskrit language is the origin of the names of other rivers such as Vyas, Kama, Nara, Moksha and Shiva.

The Russian name for the city of Moscow in Russia is Moksva. Moscow is situated on the banks of the Mokswa River and we know Moksha in Sanskrit in the sense of liberation. In Russia the word gorod is used at the end of the name for a city. In ancient times, forts were built to protect cities, which we called strongholds. Kumbhalgarh, Pavagadh etc. The word 'grand' came to Russia, like Lenin's grand and we came to Chandigarh. Vodka is a famous Russian wine and in Vedic Sanskrit the word 'Udak' is derived from water. Vodka may have been made from Udak, right? Rakesh Krishnasinha notes that in all European languages, Russian has a grammatical similarity with Sanskrit.

As late as 18, NI Novikov translated the Bhagavad Gita by Charles Wilkins into English. India and Russia have a lot in common in the method of calculating statistics. How can one forget the great novelist Leo Tolstoy when it comes to words like dhva, tri and Russia?

Influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism, the great creator Leo Tolstoy adopted the Buddhist doctrine of karma and reincarnation. He was familiar with Vedas, Upanishads and Ramayana and Mahabharata. Was a pure vegetarian and Leo Tolstoy had a lot of influence on Mahatma Gandhi. In Johannesburg, South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi started a monastery based on Tolstoy's ideas and named it 'Rolstolstoy Farm'. Comes to Vrindavan, India. Other Hindu groups also worship in their own way in Russia.


Jane O'Trien, who lives in a small village in the United States, was the first to move from the countryside to the city, trying to speak a language similar to that of a metropolis like New York. He deliberately removed the accent of the state of Texas in the conversation. Leaving the village attire, he began to adorn the people of the metropolis in a costume that adorned them.

Otri tried to be like that, not himself. Not only did it change the look, it also changed the songs sung by this singer with a very special melody. He started imitating the popular urban music by giving Tilanjali to the village music.

Seeing this imitation, some Jains made fun of Otri, as his rhetoric or peculiarities could be seen in his rhetoric. He was ridiculed and even though he came to the city, he was not considered as a singer.

One day Jain Otri decided to give up such an urban look or external appearance and come before the world as he is. So he started playing the banjo in his own style and began to sing cow-rboy music in the villages. As a child, he loved and sang this music and that was his true identity.

It so happened that Jane O'Trien's countryside cow-boy music became very popular and gradually grew in popularity. He became a favorite singer on the radio and his cow-boy music as a singer in movies also captivated the audience.

The revelation of the moment

Is this what happened to us? What will happen if the third wave of the Corona epidemic comes? Look at the resurgence of epidemics in Australia, England or Brazil and what is the plight of those countries? Just, there is anxiety about the third wave all around and there is even more danger than anxiety.

Fear is a thing that is born of itself and nourished by itself. The moment of fear has not yet come, but the imagination of the moment to come surrounds the mind. We also teach the child innate fear. If he eats hinchaka, we show fear of not falling. Even if he is having fun, we still wrap fear around him. How often the two words 'beware' are used!

The fearless man thinks of the wave of swimming in the sea and the frightened man goes near the sea and worries about what will happen if the wave comes and pulls him into the sea. We also have a mind that likes to be afraid and live and that is why we constantly think of security. Instead of trying to recover, we wallow in our sadness and thus, experience more failure. Just as an ostrich hides its mouth in the sand with its eyes closed. Fear sees fear everywhere.

Look at the life of Lord Mahavira or look at the life of Mahatma Gandhi. Where there is not the slightest fear in the mind. If Gandhiji had thought of how his condition could have been affected by the tyranny of the English rulers, he could not have become Gandhiji. He did not even have the thought of fear in his mind. Today there is a need to overcome the constant fear in the mind with awareness and understanding, otherwise the fear will engulf your mind and then your body.
