Nectar speech.

* Life is short and quarrels are long, so shortening quarrels will make life seem long.

* The good deed that we put on 'Kal' will not come to 'Kal'. Yes 'time' (death) will be needed.

* As soon as the wealth of immorality enters the house, two things disappear, sleep and hunger.

* Satsang is such a Ganga in which if Kansa dives, it becomes a swan and if a swan dives, it becomes Paramahansa.

* Decide not how much you want to get in life, but how much you want.

* A river without a shore destroys destruction, a life without limits destroys truth.

* Even if the cleverness increases, it is like avoiding the knowledge that the character is spoken loudly

* The rich are trapped in fashion, the poor are trapped in addiction, the middle class is trapped in tension.

* The three pits are never filled - the sea, the graveyard and the craving.

* Wisdom works to enlighten, knowledge works to work, heart works to work.

* The life of the one from whom the truth is destroyed is destroyed.

* Black hair turns white with age, but black tendencies do not turn white.

* If there is a knot in life, solve it, if there is a knot, leave it, if there is a mistake, correct it.

* Giving is generosity, giving is forgetting greatness.

* The biggest beggar is the one who does not have the capital of faith.

* The wise man is the master of his own mind and the foolish man is the slave of his own mind.

* The egoistic human being swells but cannot spread.

* If you want to be happy, keep an eye on the poor man's hut, not someone's mansion.

* Don’t be stubborn for the thing, don’t be prejudiced for the idea and don’t be prejudiced for the person.

* If you are unhappy with something you don't have, check to see if everyone who has it is happy.

* If we don't go the way that clothes spoil, then why do we go the way that spoils the mind and soul?

- Harsukhlal c. Diameter
