Science is a mess to make human life 1000 years old

- Hotline-Bhalchandra Jani

- The process of aging of a human being will stop and he will be able to stay young for a long time when the genes in us stop promoting instead of inhibiting the multiplication of tissues.

A study has shown that the desire for death mentioned in the Sutras and Puranas will now come true. . Two de grays have done.

It may come as a surprise, but now there is a clear indication that research will be carried out in the world that can make a person live for 1000 years. According to a biomedical genealogist and a foundation for longevity research, research on aging will make Aubrey de Gray's predictions come true and man will live as he pleases.

Speaking to students at the Royal Institute of Britain, De Gray said that in the coming days, with the help of medical science, the achievement of reviving a young person for 1000 years in the current 5 years will be achieved. Today, as science has conquered some of the world's most contagious diseases, De Gray sees a clear future for people to resort to gene therapy, stem cell therapy, or advanced medical treatment to boost their immune system. Will get a healthy body.

Dr. De Gray obtained a doctorate degree from Cambridge in 2000 and founded Strategic for Engineers Negligible Sensin in California. De Gray believes that human aging is a physical defect caused by a type of cell. So automatically the body can become more efficient and long-lived by taking on a new form. It is a question of when and how soon all this research will take place. According to experts, by the year 2020, there will be one million people who have crossed the age of 100 years.

Why do humans age? Does a man have to grow old? Can't We Stop Aging? Can't the body continue to grow? Can't it get better day by day? It develops from infancy to adolescence. This shows that there is no relationship between old age and the growth and fall of the body. Scientists have discovered that the key lies in the genes in our bodies. Will gravity have anything to do with the development of human height and the development of the human body?

An American biologist named Michael R. Ross has raised a species of fruit fly that lives twice as long as a normal fruit fly. Not only that but it is a super fruit-fly that stays young, energetic and energetic for a long time. Rose and his colleagues are now able to identify the genes that make up such fruit flies. This is considered a great achievement. Scientists can give these fruit-flies a long life span, keep them young for a long time and identify the genes that make up such fruit-flies, then in the future they can give human beings double life and keep them young for a long time.

If the fruit fly could be given twice as long life today, it could be given four times longer life and it could be kept as young as four times longer. If such a result can be achieved in the case of fruit flies, it may also be possible in the case of humans.

We read in the Puranas that the characters like Naradaji, Parashumaram, Vyas, Ashvatthama, Hanumanji etc. are immortal. Would this be true? Scientists believe that as the rocket moves in the sky, the human metabolism slows down and the human being grows very slowly. There are also genes in the body of human or animal that can slow down the aging process of human. If the connective tissue cells (cells) called normal fibroblasts are removed from the human body and placed in a culture dish and observed, it is found that the cells increase in size as they age. At the same time, their growth rate slows down and eventually their growth stops. The genes that control the growth (multiplication) of these tissues have been identified in laboratories around the world. If these genes do not control the growth of the number of tissues then maybe we will stop aging.

The process of aging in humans will stop and they will be able to stay young for a long time when the genes in us stop promoting instead of inhibiting the multiplication of tissues. As long as these genes can do that, we will stop aging and stay young while scientists control the multiplication of tissues by the genes in these fibroblast tissues. As long as scientists can maintain such control over these genes, man will not grow old and remain young. As soon as our control over these genes loosens up, human beings will soon start to grow old.

Scientists say that before this issue, we were in the dark. But now we explore this field in dim light. That is, some light has been shed on this impossible matter. Now the task will be easier. With this advancement of science, the story of nectar, nectar, etc. of our ancestors seems to have some existence. Maybe the end of all those stories seems awkward. If a human being can live a very long time, the obstacles that stand in the way of space travel will be removed.

The spacecraft will be able to reach distant stars in a planetary system for fifty, one hundred thousand years and then return to Earth from there. Its long-lived generation will travel thousands of years in a large spacecraft to visit many planets and galaxies and eventually see the end of the world. This phenomenon will not only revolutionize biology but also help us to find out and interact with space science and other planets whether there is life or culture. Astronomers are waiting for such an important result.

Scientists now know that longevity depends on how many calories a person needs, but it is not yet clear how diet control works.

We age due to the breakdown of molecules produced under normal conditions. These molecules also contain free electrolytic oxygen molecules. In the 1950s, Henham Haram, a bioscientist at the University of Brasca, commented that free-carrying molecules must have played a key role in aging the organism. In the body of an organism alone, there are many biological processes in which free electromagnetic molecules are produced.

They carry electrons that are not in pairs. Such molecules undergo oxidation and therefore carry DNA throughout the body. Proteins, lipids, etc. are severely damaged. This action produces more free electrolytic molecules and hydrogen peroxide like relative oxidation.

The result is a series of destructive activities in the body. Haram said at the time that the organism only aged due to orthopedic damage to the tissues and tissues of the whole body, which had become too much and could not be repaired. Biologists such as Anthony Serami, Helen Valsara and Michael Brownlee have shown that glucose, the body's main fuel, also plays an important role in aging humans. Recently, Serami has shown that long-lasting proteins change properties and mix them together in a complex way.

This action causes the connective tissue to become hard and brittle, as does the heart muscle. Human beings begin to age when all these and other rush actions become stronger than the repairs and stopping actions that take place in our body. But all such assumptions are tested when we identify the genes that perform this function. There are probably hundreds of such genes in our body that control the molecules that cause aging in our body. Laboratories around the world are struggling to find such genes in our bodies.

According to some researchers, obesity or obesity is a big challenge for longevity. However, some panels of scientists ignore this as a kind of 'pseudo scientist'. Many also believe that living 100 years should not be a big attraction. Because in the end of old age people live with many kinds of weaknesses and pains. But De Gray argues that our most important aspect right now is to fight the diseases of old age. Then good health with a long life will also be an important issue.
