Sacrament, virtue and virtue are the ornaments of life. Just as there is no value in Minda without one, there is no value in life without culture and humanity. Man becomes great by virtue and sacraments. Animal birds do not have sacraments they are never asked to be animals. Saints, monks and religious leaders explain to man to become a man. To become 'human' from human requires civilized life, education and good nature.
At the core of our culture is a combination of culture, virtue and humanity. Today, through TV and channels and the imitation of Western countries, we have changed the saying of living, but we have to accept the eternal truth, and that is the sacrament and virtue. Virtues are the price of man. Not by its color or surname. A man who loses character loses everything. Whose life is full of selfishness. There will be no sacrament or virtue in their life.
His life needs a sacrament. Life is a precious jewel and also a priceless gift from nature. It is up to us to save it, take proper care of it and how to make it. If we live a precious life well and easily, there will be many successes in life. The saints explain that your opportunity should not be wasted. Life is an opportunity that we can celebrate in our own way. Just as the body is adorned with ornaments, the sacraments make our life and living life look beautiful and meaningful.
- Bhagubhai Bhimda
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