In the human body, the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc., work in harmony with each other in their respective systems. The skin of the body is not only the outer covering but also the internal organs.
The skin has three layers. The uppermost layer contains keratinocyte cells. This coating works to push out hair, hair, nails and dead cells. The upper layer is thick. It is resilient and protects from outside particles etc. The second layer of skin contains blood vessels and nerves. This layer imparts knowledge of heat, cold and touch. The sweat glands in this layer produce sweat and maintain body temperature. Although the skin has such a complex structure, our hands, feet and other limbs are also elastic enough to move easily.
The total length of blood vessels in a square inch area of skin is about 3 feet. The skin is the largest organ of the body. The skin area of an adult human is about 20 square feet. A substance called melanin in the skin gives it color. This substance protects against ultraviolet rays. People who live in warmer regions with more sunlight have more of this substance so their skin is darker. People living in cold regions have whiter skin.
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