Ms. Darat is a great scientist. Many mysteries of nature are beyond the comprehension of today's scientists and that is why the great scientists of the world accept the existence of God. Today we will talk about one such mystery of nature. According to physiology, the body of a newborn baby has 200 bones. But as the child grows older, the number of bones decreases. And at the end of adulthood there are 203. Why so Where do the rest of the bones go?
This is a marvel of nature. When the infant descends to earth from the mother's womb, it has to pass through a narrow position called the birth canal in the mother's womb.
Bones are usually brittle and strong, as they are hard to support and keep the body strong, but when a baby is born, these bones can cause obstruction and damage to the ducts (walls) of the birth canal, so naturally, birth When taken, the bones of newborns are made soft and flexible. As well as the large bones are connected by a soft marrow between the two halves. Doing so allows the bones to slide easily from the tube without damaging the tube. And the mother can give birth without disturbing the baby.
But for some other reason, when the baby gets stuck in the tube of the birth canal, the mother is in excruciating pain and has to have an abdominal delivery. This is what we call a 'cesarean delivery'.
As the baby grows after birth. It also needs strong bones to move. So 500 small bones join together to form a strong skeleton of about 303 bones. Which is fully capable of movement action while keeping the body structure upright.
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