Afghanistan is rich in lithium, copper, bauxite and iron ore.

- Lack of infrastructure makes it difficult to extract mineral resources from Afghanistan's soil

A report earlier this year found that Afghanistan's soil contained an estimated ટ્ર 1 trillion in minerals. However, due to poor infrastructure and financial constraints, the Taliban will have to struggle to extract this treasure of nature and sell it to the world.

Many countries have stopped providing financial aid to Afghanistan. In addition to the constantly war-torn area, poor infrastructure is hampering Afghanistan's access to these metals.

Large quantities of lithium, copper, bauxite and iron ore have been found in the soil of Afghanistan, according to a US Geological Survey report released earlier this year. These minerals are in great demand in the world. Lithium is used to make electric cars, solar panels and wind farms, while copper is used in power cables. During the Corona period, copper prices exceeded 10,000 per tonne. The Taliban can boost their economy through the sale of natural resources, but the mining of these minerals requires extensive equipment.

By 2020, global lithium demand is projected to increase 30-fold. The US survey report puts Afghanistan's natural resources at એક 1 trillion, while Afghanistan is valued at 3 trillion.

China's announcement of good relations with the Taliban is also being discussed.
