An interesting history of gas stoves

In the 19th century, many discoveries were made about gases, and some scientists developed a method to produce synthetic flammable gases. Coal, wood, or oil were burned in a low-oxygen furnace to produce gas. The gas thus produced could be carried away by a tube and burned at the tip of the tube, with Philippe Lebin of France and William Murdoch of England experimenting with gas stoves and succeeding. In this way Cooking gas and stoves were introduced in 1918. Became gas companies in America and Europe. All these companies supply gas through pipes wherever needed and at home. Street lights in London also had lamps with such a gas line. Is. Around 150 stoves with tanks of flammable substances like naphtha, white gas, paraffin etc. were made.

Is. In the 19th century, James Sharp built a new type of gas-fired stove.

But at that time it was difficult to carry the gas further through the pipeline. In the year 18 AD, a scientist named Robert Bansen discovered Bansen Burner. Which had a system that burns a little oxygen along with the burner gas. This burner made it possible to use petroleum as a cooking gas.
