The oceans cover most of the earth's surface. There is a lot of difference between sea water and potable water. There are some characteristics of seawater.
- One kilogram of sea water contains about 5 grams of salt.
- Sea water becomes ice at minus two degrees.
- Most earthquakes on Earth occur in the oceans, so they are constantly shaking.
- The surface of the upper 10 feet of sea water is as hot as the whole atmosphere.
- Sea water absorbs less brown so it looks brown.
- Seawater is made up of about 20 chemicals, including 4% water and 4% salts such as chloride, sodium, sulfate, and nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen.
- Sound waves travel faster in seawater.
- Seawater has a pressure of 2.5 kg per square inch at a depth of 6 feet.
- Although seawater is not potable, it is home to thousands of sponges.
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