Gita: Rhythmic Tanpuro.

- Antaryatra-Dr.Sarvesh Q. Vora

- If our personality should be ready for Gitaji then Gitaji connects us with eternal rhythm

Friendship and love become old, its value is realized after traveling along the rough road of life. Do not rub the sandalwood rubbing too much on the orasia until the sandalwood stone remains silent. Someone took a Panchdhatu bell from Himachal Pradesh and gave it as a gift. Rub on the bell with a special wood-tool (a piece of wood) and it emits a very impressive sound. Until that friction occurs the wood tool seems lifeless, its importance is not understood.

In classical music, the disciple who practices the melody is asked to get the melody with Guru Tanpura. Tanpuro is not only your melody in rhythm, whether there is 'rhythm' in your song, whether you are melodious or not.

Gitaji is not a cassette of verses of any religious scripture that you can get the meaning of Gita by reading it.

Gitaji is like Tanpura. Keep applying the truths revealed in the Gitaji in the struggles of your daily life. Talking about Gitaji's non-attachment, talking about Gitaji's devotion to God, talking about Gitaji's Tamoguna, Rajoguna, Sattva Guna or transcendental state, talking about accepting Gitaji's life, talking about considering life as a crusade. All this at any stage of life, in any place, whether you are a woman, a businessman, a job, whether you are successful or unsuccessful in terms of the world, whether you are a man or a small man in terms of society, look at the small and big experiences of life. Giving strength to the fact that the Gita appears to reveal the pervasive truth from the Gita, understand that the rhythm of your life matched with the Gitaji's Tanpura.

Has been.

The best way to know how much you are in harmony with Sanatanalaya is to immerse yourself in Gitaji. And the constant dialogue with that eternal rhythm is 'holiness', the significance of human birth!

The problem with life is that we become out of tune. The essence of life seems to be to achieve sensory happiness up to some stage. Wealth, in fact, seems to be the only way to get real meaning. Our condition is like a spoiled cassette climbing on a single row, like a bull's ox moving in a single circle. What happens in English is called 'conditioning'. In such circumstances, if a saint is met, if the words of a saint are uttered, we may come out of the whirlpool of the oxen of Ghani, on the condition that we need some qualification to hear the utterance of that saint.

Gitaji is such a sat-vani.

Says that in order to enjoy classical music one has to be a man’s conservato. He must be ready to listen. '

If our personality should be ready for Gitaji, then Gitaji connects us with the eternal rhythm. Gitaji has made this condition clear. Lord Arjuna says:

'Idante na tapaskaya, na bhaktayakadachan'

(Never say this to you (Gita-Sandesh) without any penance or devotion)
