Iti Dhakka Purana ....

- Moment-to-moment-proficient tailor

- 'Push' is not as easy as it looks. Even a two and a half letter word will introduce you to Asmani-Sultani

Sometimes it is more fun to write on a topic than imagined. The same thing happened today with this 'push'. The pen also climbed the jidda and the mind also began to nurture such jidda. Then what to ask! Take this 'push'. I know you'll be eagerly awaiting the knowledge of your push right away. You say: thump, thump or thump. Alas, some fierce-sen will even say to the one with the fist: Dhakkamukki .. because with this push there is also a fight with a fist, there is also a padapadi for it. Everything is beautiful, isn't it? If we can, we will call this age our Dhakamukki Yuga.

Alas, the trail of this word is also like extracting. Tatsam means the Sanskrit word is originally 'dhakk'. Then it was 'pushed'. But the word 'push' did not stop there. There is also the meaning of 'hudselo' which used to push each other in childhood, when I was pushed around. We also like the word 'hudselo'. Yes, there are events that can happen here as well as things that can happen here.

It sounds like a 'huddle' but you don't know who is hitting the huddle, why is it killing? And it may be too late. What shall we say to Hudsela? If you like, should I flirt with it? How late Caesar found out. In this age of our technology, the unseen game of Hudsela has flourished. Some poor people are silent when they find out when they are being hit. Saying 'Let go, the ghost escapes from the evil', they are tolerating the talk, they are taking the hair. Hudsello is also doing a lot of damage. When it comes to this 'push', some are heard to be humble, Laman shakes hands and says:

What will happen without talking tomorrow! ' Look, the push has to be hung on the back of 'Dharam'! Sometimes even in a gross, realistic sense, the press uses a word like 'pushed'. The one who pushes is less in the discussion but if he is pushed, his father's revadi continues to be sown. We have the privilege of watching the scenes of dignitaries who have pushed us. Someone pushes, someone starts tapping, someone turns his hand on the bald spot, someone even grabs the collar. Seeing the kind face of that person, we were very disgusted with the word 'push'. Even when what to do. Now the people seem to be a little wiser and more tolerant than before. It all takes a signature.

Dhakko, dharamdhakko aare hudselo and finally dhakkamukki too. And then expresses his decency by justifying it with references to spirituality. Hari leaves at will, associating it with karma. Seeing this happening on a large scale now, it seems that after the end of Kali Yuga, Sat Yuga has not settled somewhere overnight! This ‘flick’ can, of course, play many new guises. You may be wondering where I am taking this word 'push'? But it is not. The word ‘push’ is what is driving me. He shows me scenes, he teaches me, he shows me the glory of silence, he tells me to be quiet, he reminds me of the saying of the nine speaking virtues.

Alas, recognizing an innocuous Bapadi cow-like word like us, he also comes close to the ear in private and warns: says but that - if, if, no one pushes. After the flick can not sit. Avoid bumps. Otherwise there will be useless manipulation. The ‘push’ is not as easy as it looks. Even a two and a half letter word will introduce you to Asmani-Sultani. God! We were a little surprised to learn this private matter of hers. Ray, the soot closet!

But we don’t hate ‘push’ he knows ‘push’. Even those who do not love know that. Our math is straightforward. The beard and the broom are never one, the difference is to know. The beard is the beard that adorns the face, sometimes it makes the face look even worse.

It is harmless when the broom falls, it is harmless when the hygiene yajna begins. If Gandhiji touched anyone, he would probably become harmless. Also a broom. Gandhiji, of course, wrote about beards almost nowhere known. This limitation is yet to come to light. The 'push' will wake up when the people know. Yes, but Gandhiji has written about 'Dhakka' and 'Hudsela' and that world is public. Not realizing that it was a trick of 'push' or 'hudsela'.

The trick was to break the key of silence, to have power, to expose 'hudsela' or 'dhakkamukki' even after suffering losses. What shall we call that era of Gandhiji? The era of huddle huddle? The whole people were saying 'stay awake' to huddle! This is a surprise for us. Today there is an abundance of invisible huddles. It is not a ghost, yet it is a ghost, it is not doubt, it is doubt. The ‘push’ is throbbing. The flag of the push era is fluttering. See the flag, not God's! Mindful punctuation about Iti Dhakkapuran! Dynamic destination!
