Make the structures of Total Institutions more open

- Management-Dhawal Mehta

- Terrible abuse of power in Total Institutions. In communism, labor camps or concentration camps were more covert systems than our ordinary prisons.

Total institutions are carriers of terror

Systems called Total Institutions have unlimited power over their members. Our prisons or refugee camps or remand homes or ashrams are examples. It is not compulsory to live in a monastery like a prison or to be bound. In many ashrams like old age homes, people enter voluntarily. It does not have strict policy rules like jail. One can go outside the ashram for some work. Outsiders can also be found at certain times. But such ashrams have numerous webs of policy rules. There is constant monitoring of each other. Almost all monastery life is sterilized in the name of discipline. In such an environment man may live a disciplined life but in the name of creativity there is Mindu. Creativity always comes from diversity. Western universities continued the tradition of knowledge because it was 'open systems'. It gave birth to the age of science. India developed ascetics.

There is a horrible abuse of power in Total Institutions. In communism, labor camps or concentration camps were more covert systems than our ordinary prisons. Hitler's concentration camps went to extremes in cruelty. Hitler's deputy Adolf Eichmann pushed thousands of Jewish prisoners into the gas chambers. Many years after the end of World War II, the world came to know how ferocious the extreme form of power is. Hitler's deputy Ikeman in Auschwitz, Tremblinka, Bergen-Belsen, went beyond cruelty. The Jews were burned to death. Even in labor camps, the condition of humans was worse than that of animals. To know the extent of this cruelty, read the books of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Reading Abraham Turzat's 'Trial Begins'.

People rarely rebel

In oppressive regimes or societies, it is rare for people to revolt or resist oppression. People mostly accept their role determined by their society. Marx's task of awakening class consciousness and entrusting the workers with the task of revolutionizing exploitative capitalism never happened. The October Revolution of 1917 was not for the workers. Russia was a feudal country at the time. Industrialization was in its infancy in 1917.

The revolution of 1917 could never be called a workers' revolt, it was a war to end tsarism. The industrialization of Soviet Russia took place much later. Remember that in all the societies of the world, the poor, the surveyors play the role given by their society. Why does this happen? The answer is given by Grapsy of Italy and for this he has developed the idea of ​​global domination of ideological hegemony.

People who blindly imitate the thinking developed by that society. Marx rightly said that religion is an opium for masses. Religion trains man to accept the stark reality of every society. Religion says don't change today's society. Change yourself. Stay away from sinning. Do charity. Obey the elders and the gurus. In vain! In vain! Hence a different approach will be needed to study systems and society.

This approach will have to think of new concepts as to why the current system (economy and social system and cultural system) is surviving and why people living in extremely poor or miserable lives are not rebelling against it. There is still a need for deeper thought on how and why Marx's dream of a Protestant revolution failed. Nowhere did the Protestants confront and revolutionize. The revolutionaries were intellectuals and students also joined it. The students proved to be radical. In the name of discipline, power is hidden in the corners of society.

Hidden power

Surveillance systems have been set up to ensure compliance with this discipline. The family shows tremendous surveillance on the children and on the spouses. There are many types of surveillance systems, technical, legal, personal and bureaucratic, and they are entrenched in every society.

Lovers are constantly monitored in the village and are often tied to trees and beaten, but the surveillance technique is considered to be very basic. Pegasus has developed a highly skilled surveillance force. The main strength of management is its authority over others.

This power is hidden in many places. In every system he hides in the form of a hierarchy and imposes discipline on those who work below him in the name of discipline. So behind the domination of the upper classes or lower castes or castes at the level of the larger society is the cultural hegemony (cultural dominance) which is so rigidly constructed that the society cannot survive without the cruel recognition of the superior differences. Every person in the society has the role of a family which he has to fulfill. But this role is a high-stakes role and it is humanized.

If capitalism exploits the poor so much, why don't the workers (with a few failed exceptions) rebel against the rich? Have to study.

What is power? If a person named A, organization, class, caste or family can successfully carry out the work from the organization, class, person, family or caste against his will or against his will and this work is only for the benefit of the above caste, class, family or person or organization. So A is called power over B. If B does not rebel this power will continue. A forms religion to sustain this power.
