Pooja Bhatt recently appealed to the government on social media to stop the brutal atrocities being perpetrated on innocent animals. Victims now need to be dealt with severely and for this the central government needs to amend the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act-120 to make it sharper. Not only that, this requires an amendment to the current monsoon session of Parliament.
Pooja Bhatt is absolutely right. Under the PCA Act, a first-time offender is liable to a maximum fine of only Rs 50. 'Penalty of only Rs 50 on those who commit atrocities on animals will not change anything. There is a need to make more provision for it, 'says Pooja Bhatt emphatically. That's why the actress-filmmaker and other animal rights activists have launched a campaign to join the Nomore 20 band wagon. The campaign, launched on Twitter, has called on the government to take strict action during the monsoon session of Parliament.
The Bombay Begum actress also says that cruelty to animals has a detrimental effect on mankind as well. Pooja says, Punish him severely. ' This Act of 190 does not say anything about this matter. Pooja clarifies, "If a person tortures, tortures or kills an animal, the police convict the offender under IPC Action 2 and 11 (1) (a) PCA Act-120 and grant immediate bail." All this should stop. If a gun and a sword are used, it is not included in the law of 190, 'he said.
Pooja has pleaded that the weak society should be protected. "Since the epidemic began, there has been an increase in violence and atrocities not only against animals, but also against women and children, which must be stopped. If we are to be identified as the inhabitants of a civilized society, we must protect the most vulnerable, ”added Pooja.
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