The idea of ​​happiness was limited to the body!

- Mist became Moti- Kumarapala Desai

A very old hermit. The king became suspicious. The king sentenced him to be whipped. They all wondered how such a lean, thin, hermit could bear the punishment of a whip.

How can the king's punishment be violated? As a result, the hermit was flogged.

The talk became a new surprise. The hermit is whipped and the hermit becomes indifferent and smiles. Sentence completed. But the same smile was on the hermit's face.

Seeing this, the Minister of State was surprised and asked, 'Your body is very emaciated and I can imagine the pain when such a lean body is whipped. Instead you are constantly laughing. Where did your body get the strength to endure this pain? '

A smile flashed on the hermit's face. He said, 'You know how strong I am. But I have endured this disaster with my own strength. '

The minister questioned. He knew a lot about physical strength, but he heard about self strength for the first time.

The minister wondered, 'What kind of force is this self-strength? What kind of food and what kind of exercise is needed to gain such strength? '

The ascetic said, 'Mantrivarya, just as the body needs nutritious food for strength, it needs constant good thoughts for self-strength. Just as the body needs proper exercise for strength, so does self-reflection for self-strength. ' And on that day Mantriraj saw the power of self-strength from that hermit.

Since human beings mainly revolve around physical strength, it does not move towards self-strength. The happiness of the body, the happiness of food that gives pleasure to the body and the happiness of luxury that keeps the body happy and comfortable - this is the happiness around which his thoughts and his life revolve. When the mango does not reach the soul, then where does the self-realization come from?

Based on this self-strength, Lord Buddha and Mahavira set new heights for the world, creating a new power and strength that no worldly power can defeat.
