Wash thoroughly at night before going to bed

- Makeup done during the day

Doing makeup has become a part of today's women's routine. Makeup is of paramount importance to everyone, whether it is a woman working or a housewife.

Women use a lot of synthetic cosmetics to look attractive. For that sometimes they go to the beautician in the beauty parlor, sometimes they do the makeup themselves at home. Of course, visiting a beauty parlor on a regular basis is not affordable, both in terms of time and money. Therefore, many cosmetics such as lipstick, powder, chandla, etc. are usually used at home to apply makeup.

Makeup enhances facial beauty. This suppresses the facial imperfections and makes the features visible. Even for a short time, the face looks amazing. However, it is not enough to seek the help of synthetic cosmetics and beauty parlors, if you take care of some other things, the face can be made more attractive and refreshing.

The most important thing to make the face attractive is a nutritious meal. If the food is deficient in iron and calcium, the face looks pale. There is a lack of radiance and freshness on the face. Therefore, foods rich in nutrients like protein and vitamins should be taken more. Especially green vegetables and fresh fruits should be consumed regularly.

However, good food alone does not enhance facial beauty. The mind should be happy to bring a shadow on the face. Remove wrinkles, indifference and seriousness from the face and bring a sense of excitement, hope, adventure and joy. When doing any work enthusiastically, there is automatic happiness on the face and the face looks attractive.

If you have any kind of mental anxiety, try to live in the present without giving it too much importance. Your ancestor gets into the habit of whitening his personality and that personality proves to be pleasant for the woman.

However, there is nothing unique about getting ready with synthetic cosmetics. When a woman with such a special issue wears makeup, her beauty is multiplied many times over. Women should pay special attention to the fact that as much as they are interested in applying makeup, they should also be careful in cleaning it. Failure to do so can lead to many types of damage.

The whole body gets oxygen through the numerous pores in our body. When we do makeup, a thin layer of makeup falls on the skin. As a result, some of the pores are closed and air cannot enter the body properly. For this reason, the blood circulation is not smooth.

According to a dermatologist, many cells are destroyed if the makeup stays on the skin for a long time. So makeup on the skin does not last long, it should be taken care of. According to the doctor, "Women should make it a habit to clean their face with cleansing milk before going to bed at night. Depending on the season, the face should be washed with cold or lukewarm water and wiped with a soft cloth. Small tufts of wool are better for cleaning makeup. When using them, one should also keep in mind to take a separate cotton ball for each part of the face.

Often women fall asleep without removing makeup when they return from a party late at night. Such negligence is not justified. If you are wearing an ambodo, remove the pins, chips, etc. after returning from the party and leave it. Then go to bed with straight hair. Your body will automatically feel relieved after cleaning the makeup.

Modern women also use perfume. If the makeup is not cleaned before going to bed at night, the smell of perfume mixes with the sweat and reaches the brain through the nose and mouth and sometimes causes headaches.

Modern women nowadays are using sticker bindi instead of kanku. Applying such chandla can stain the forehead and also cause allergies. If you are constantly using such a chandla, then after removing the chandla, clean that part with cleansing milk.

In fact, the beauty of the face is contained in its ginger. The physical beauty developed from Adathi is permanent and makeup enhances the beauty. However, carelessness in cleaning makeup with synthetic cosmetics can lead to many problems.
