We are imprisoned in our slavery

- A man without religion cannot be religious. Religion is a thing to be assumed, show that there is no hypocrisy. The parrot reading is done in a cage

Nobody likes being Gu Lam. Slave-like situations arise in everyone's life. Often people assume or understand that this is slavery. In fact, it may be a duty or a responsibility. So it is not appropriate to make a definite explanation. The whole thing is different when the warriors of India freed us from the slavery of the British and set us free. The value of that fight cannot be underestimated. That fight was of our Mahabharata level. That is why our tricolor is dear to us. There is a difference between flags and pennants. Remember that the national festival of 15th August falls only in Shravanmas. Not to mention.

Thirty-five years have passed since we became independent. Geographically and theoretically we became free. The cheers of being freed are overwhelming. After the liberation of our people, India has made great strides in all fields and has played a leading role in the world. The whole world has noticed. Significant progress has been made so that we can proudly say that my India is great. In our country, however, the condition of man is deteriorating.

What we are talking about here is about Dharmalok. We live for religion in this world. You can't live without religion. If there is religion then there is man. Religion is humanity. If there is religion then there is business-employment. If there is religion then there is temple-mosque. Without religion, man kills animals. A man without religion cannot be religious. Dharayati Itidharma. Religion is a thing to be assumed, show that there is no hypocrisy. The parrot reading is done in a cage.

Nowadays man is enslaving himself. Not free. Man is not in control of himself. Man's instincts, activities, nature, perversion make man a slave. Man's mind or heart is not under man's control nowadays.

There are leaders all around, there are lawyers, there are doctors, there are businessmen, there are teachers, there are officers, there are commissioners, there are babus but nowhere is there a man. Why is man missing? There is something to think about.

- Anjana Raval
