What are the 5 things to remember for an indirect conversation with the Almighty while sleeping at night?

- Ek j de chingari-shashin

- Nowadays technology is evolving rapidly and humanity is shrinking. Technology has no identity of humanity

"Why park a motor-bike in this place? This place is dead."

"Why park the car here? I have paid for the parking here."

'Why did you build a temple here? I have donated this place. '

'Why are you sitting here listening to the story? This place is mine. '

'My-my-my' ownership is on the rise today. It is good that the corpses of the cemetery do not quarrel that this cemetery is mine.

God created billions of human beings but never complained that this creation is mine! Man has a habit of taking great credit for what he has done. That is why he is constantly in the ego of saying that all this is due to me. God does not believe in taking the credit of authorship, so he did not write his name as the creator in the forehead of man.

A man afflicted with the abuse of the world went to a saint. He asked curiously: 'Swami, how can this world improve?'

Swami said: 'Zarik' .. and he closed his eyes. The man waited a long time but the saint did not open his eyes. So bored, the man said goodbye.

The next day he came back to meet the saint. And the same question. Swami's same answer 'Zarik'

The same thing happened on the third or fourth day. On the fifth day, the saint disguised himself and started walking blindly on the way to the man's place. Collided with those mamas. The man said: 'You don't see, so you have the right to take everyone by surprise?'

Saint says 'Zarik'

'Well, then the Swami is giving. Now open your eyes and explain to me the secret of 'Zarik'.

The Swami took him and sat in a hotel room and said politely: 'Brother, the world is not improving because there is no compassion in it, no renunciation in it. There is no tolerance! There is no humanity at all! '

'Then what to do to improve the world?' The man asked: 'To be a' man 'himself. Man considers position to be humanity. But the use of position spends time in search of narrowness rather than increasing generosity of heart. '

The former man used to say to God in prayer: 'Lord! This is all yours. I have nothing! ' Today's man says: 'This is all mine ...' If a man walks, he will also ask God for proof that this world is yours, prove it! '

A nice thing has been said in 'Naishadh Charitra': 'This earth does not feel the weight of the mountains, the weight of the sea does not feel the weight of the huge trees. The burden it feels is on the human mind, which does not dissolve by seeing the suffering of others. ' Like 'water proof', 'shockproof', fireproof, man is becoming 'compassion proof' today. Its dictionary has a prominent place: the politician will say: this party is mine. For that, I will do whatever I want, right and wrong, and I will make whatever accusations I make in favor of others. Poor truth! No one has a relative or no one loves him! The realm of untruth is flooding fast.

As man grows older, he speaks bitterly instead of sweetly, which is why there is a commotion in the world. According to a quote compiled in 'Jharukhe Diwa', we know more than we know what it means to speak without thinking, to speak without need, to keep talking to ourselves without giving others a chance to speak, to resort to self-conceit, self-aggrandizement, exaggerated hypocrisy. It is not just a bad habit to pretend to do so, to speak with a sneer, to speak sarcastically, to speak with the intention of hurting the opposite person, it is a symptom of a dirty immature mind. '

It is better to speak in good faith, to speak slowly, not to be silent when you need to speak, to speak clearly when you know the truth when it is wrong, not to argue too harshly to defend yourself, to be silent for long hours, Indicates character development. '

I mean, remember the 'Zarik' thing that saint said. If there is a quarrel, keep calm. Is anger coming? So assume a jarring silence. When you think that what you believe is true, take a self-examination and weigh the truth as you believe it.

Paramatma himself is an excellent painter. It makes a picture, but the color is not enough. The task of coloring is left to the incarnation. We are not even aware of what color to paint! So we sit in the wrong place in the right place and the wrong place in the wrong place.

Kundanikabahen Kapadia cites a persuasive incident of Swangatsu, a Chinese thinker. Avicharak kept a skull with him. In case of any adverse occasion, he would immediately take the skull out of his bag and stare at it for five minutes. Then put the skull back in the bag.

Seeing this strange behavior, a disciple asked the thinker Swangatsu why. Swangatsu said that in the face of adversity, when my intellect begins to explain something to me, I look at the skull and say to myself: 'Dude! The condition of your skull is going to be like this skull one day. So it's not fun to be angry. ' Swangatsu continued: 'Look, I heard a man yell at me on the way. I felt like giving a spanking in front of me, but I looked at my skull and my mind became calm. Not only that, I smiled and said: Brother! If there is another goddess, I am ready to listen. '

If a man leaves his 'me' and evaluates life, he will realize in the words of the poet Ramdarsh ​​Mishra that -

Kisiko fell

Not yourself

Cut life ka

The journey is slow

Wherever you go,

By leaps and bounds,

I got there too,

The crocodile slowly.

A lot of light is waiting to enter your life, if you adopt equality instead of affection. There is only one thing to do: to open the door of distance. Nowadays technology is evolving at a rapid pace and humanity is shrinking. Technology does not recognize humanity, it recognizes the intellect of man. Wisdom says: 'Sauri! I can give you happiness, not peace. What are the 5 things to remember for an indirect conversation with the Almighty while sleeping at night. '

1. O God ! You will be my witness since I woke up tomorrow morning.

. Instead of believing that every action is 'mine', consider it as 'yours' and give it holiness and humanity.

. May I give up the ego and give the wisdom to make this world happy with the spirit of surrender.

. You make others happier than me. My happiness will be absorbed in it.

. I am not the 'owner' of my family but you are the appointed sentry. Let such a spirit develop in my mind.

. Protect my field of work from the tendency to corrupt it with greed, greed or malice.
