Amid the hostile environment, the Afghan economy will shrink

- The whole of economics: Dhawal Mehta

In the discussion of Afghan politics, the issue of Afghan economy has been forgotten. Afghanistan's economy is moving at a very slow pace. In 2015, Afghanistan's GDP growth rate was 7.5 per cent, in 2016 it was only 1.17 per cent, in 2016 it was 7.81 per cent and in 2020 it was minus 1.2 per cent. Due to the current turmoil there, its growth rate will be even more negative in 2021. The level of law and order should be high for a high economic growth rate. Political uncertainties kill economics. Entrepreneurs do not make long-term investments in an environment of uncertainty. India's per capita income was about ૦૦ 5,100 in 2016, compared to Afghanistan's માથા 205, ૯ 203 in 2016 and ૪૯૪ 8 in 2014. Afghanistan is a very poor country in terms of per capita income. If we consider India as a moderately poor country, then Afghanistan is far behind India and it is nothing compared to America. In 2020, the per capita income of the United States was ૬૩ 6,616. Either Afghanistan's per capita income is only around ૫ 500 or the US's per capita income is more than ૬૩ 6,000 and yet the US has had to pull out of Afghanistan. America failed just as well as Vietnam in Afghanistan. Despite twenty years of presence, the United States has not been able to establish democracy in Afghanistan while Britain has laid a strong foundation for the ideology of democracy in India. The population of Afghanistan is much less than the population of Gujarat. The population of Gujarat was about 6.5 crore while the population of Afghanistan in 2061 was about 4.5 crore. The population of Kabul is about 3 lakh 6 thousand. Afghanistan is a mountainous country and people are scattered. Only 4 people live in Afghanistan per square kilometer. Afghanistan's population is growing at a rate of 7.5 per cent per annum and the fertility rate of women is very high at 4.5 per woman.

The government life expectancy of the people of Afghanistan in 2021 is only 4.5 years. There is no food security plan in Afghanistan as there is in India and no other type of social security plan - India has heaps of plans in this regard. Such as MNREGA, Family Health Scheme, Food Security Act etc. The average life expectancy of India in 2021 is 7.5 (about 60 years) compared to 7.5 years of Afghanistan and the average life expectancy of an American citizen is 3 years and that of Japan is 5 years. Most people in Afghanistan depend on agriculture. Afghanistan's main exports are agricultural products, industry is negligible. In addition to agricultural income, foreign aid is another major source of income for Afghanistan. Afghanistan lacks basic educational as well as other basic facilities. Unemployment and semi-unemployment are as high as 6 per cent and 21 per cent respectively. Eighty percent of the total workforce in Afghanistan is in agriculture. About 8% of Afghanistan's exports are carpets and carpets and 21% are dried fruits. Exports of industrial goods are close to zero. He compared how close Afghanistan is to other poor countries in the world to the following countries. Terrorism has flourished at lightning speed in the abject poverty of Afghanistan. Terrorists in Afghanistan will create many disasters for the world due to extreme poverty.
