By going to Moksha we will be the same forever and stay together forever!

- Identity of the sky - Kumarapala Desai

- Our fifth Angasutra Shri Vyakhya Prajnaptisutra i.e. Shri Bhagvatisutra is mainly filled with the vast ocean of knowledge of Gautamswami and Mahavir Swami's quiz. Moreover, Lord Mahavira is often in the culture, O Gautam, I will not neglect even the time.

Given the depth and grandeur of Gandharism, it seems that every single aspect of this teaching demands deep contemplation and as a result of that deep contemplation he will continue to experience the importance of Gandharism as prophesied by Lord Mahavira. In Gandharvad, Lord Mahavira has given the answer to the doubts of eleven Ganadhars, and the answer also shows the value of affection and respect. He gave convincing evidence of the existence of the Self to Indrabhuti Gautam from three perspectives and through direct, experience and self-observation, and Mahapandit Indrabhuti's doubts about the soul were dispelled.

Indrabhuti Gautam had an apathy in his heart. There was a locked and unbroken awakening to find every single piece of truth and that is why the hands of Indrabhuti Gautam, the connoisseur, the possessor of truth and the worshiper of simplicity, automatically join hands with Lord Mahavira and he says,

'You are right. You are the true sage, the sage and the omniscient. My years of doubt are gone, will you accept me and these five hundred of my disciples as your disciples? '

Now look here, Lord Mahavira's generous apology. Usually this is called a time of victory and after winning the debate, the ego of the victorious Pandit is nowhere to be found while here Lord Mahavira assumes forgiveness and especially says Mahapandit Indrabhuti with a happy face instead of any pride, arrogance or bigotry.

'O Indrabhuti Gautam! In all of this I see the influence of future yoga and theology. Your knowledge will be of special use because of your straightforwardness. We will stay together and influence Dharma Tirtha. '

Have you ever considered the depth of these promises of Lord Mahavira? What a tremendous change in the situation! Neither his omniscience nor his own actual experience or introspection. Rather, this meeting with Mahapandit Indrabhuti Gautam, a scholar of Sakalshastra, is called an auspicious time for the influence of theology. Instead of showing his Kashiya importance, Mahapandit congratulates Indrabhuti on his uprightness and then instead of talking about his own knowledge, says that your knowledge will be of special use and so look ahead. What a magnificent image of Lord Mahavira can be seen here.

Gautam Swami has accepted discipleship from him, but what is the meaning of the wall of distinction between such Guru and disciple? Lord Mahavira has broken down all the walls of such distinctions. Neither the difference of caste, nor the difference of descriptions, nor the difference between the poor and the destitute and hence the spirit of influencing Dharmatirtha by staying with Guru Gautam and also by staying together. One ahead and the other behind, nothing like that.

At a time when the glory of victory and the helplessness of defeat were being sung in controversy, the whole story of victory and defeat did not come up anywhere in the meeting between Lord Mahavira and Gautam Swami. The victory that was important in the world was not just a part of the glory here and the voice of such a forgiving Lord Mahavira began to shine in the heart of Indrabhuti Gautam and the whole heart of Indrabhuti became Mahaviramaya. Mahapandit Indrabhuti Gautam was the seeker of truth and the inventor of Anekanta. His upright nature became humble. Seeing this situation, Saint Kabir is remembered.

Atma aur Parmatma,

Stay apart for a long time,

Dia at the beautiful fair,

Sadguru Mila Dalal.

One of these suggestions is that Lord Mahavira's vision is on the future, there is no glory in the present triumph and defeat and see, Lord Mahavira tells Gautam that in this event I see the influence of Dharmashasana on the future auspiciousness. In this voice of the Lord, there is a hint of many of his long affections with Gautam. The two were gathered in the third bhav of Lord Mahavira-the bhav of Marichi.

At that time Mahavira's life was as Marichi and as his disciple Gautam Swami's life was as Kapil. Then for the second time in the eighteenth of Lord Mahavira the two of them met in the three-page Vasudeva Bhav. The soul of Lord Mahavira was born in the eighteenth bhava in the name of Triprushtha Vasudeva and then the life of Gautam Swami was as his charioteer. In this way the Guru-Shishya of Charam i.e. the last Bhava came together in the present tradition and that is why the threads of deep affection between them were very long.

Now the two met in their last bhav as a Tirthankar and a Ganadhar and Paramatma Mahavira reassured Gautam.

'Hey Gautam! Even after completing this bhav and going up to Moksha, we will both be the same forever and stay together forever! '

Shri Gautamswami's Rasa has said that -

Charamjinesar Tav Bhane, Goyam M Karis Kheu,

Going to the end, we signed, laughed Tulla Beu.

(Charam Jineshwar Prabhu Mahavir says Gautam will not regret, in the end we will both become one)

And we know that Guru Gautam Swami was enlightened, but at the same time he had enlightenment. To be wise is to be wise, but to be wise is to be ready to improve oneself. If a person is intelligent, but does not have 'intelligence' in him, then he becomes egoistic. Pride of knowledge comes in him and therefore an insistence of his own words takes place in his mind.

While Indrabhuti Gautama has Pragnani as well as Pragyapaniyata and hence the attitude of understanding as explained by the Guru. Such is the simple nature and due to that nature Indrabhuti Gautam is considered ideal in Guru Vinaya, Guru Seva and devotion to Guru. A spiritual symbol is like a rare symbol of the world.

You see, he was the head of fifty thousand disciples and the lord of many benefits, but nowhere did he take pride in having so many disciples, but became an example of humility before the disciples. He was also the first disciple of Lord Mahavira, but nowhere did he declare to be his first disciple. Prabhu stayed with Mahavira, obeyed his orders and went there, but nowhere did he show pride of his knowledge and did not glorify the first disciple and even though he was the first disciple, he asked the Lord a child-like question. Gautam Ganadhar receives supreme knowledge from Lord Mahavira by expressing curiosity in each subject.

Our fifth Angasutra Shri Vyakhya Prajnapatisutra i.e. Shri Bhagavatisutra is mainly filled with the vast ocean of knowledge of Gautamswami and Mahavir Swami's quiz. Moreover, Lord Mahavira is often in the culture, O Gautam, I will not neglect even the time.

Thus, Guru's tap creates awareness in the distance and in that sense the highest ideal of Guru-disciple in Jain tradition is found in Lord Mahavira and Guru Gautam. Even so, where to talk about the grandeur of Guru Gautam's character? There are not enough texts to chart it.
