- It is completely wrong to say that eating almonds or using some miraculous herbal, homeopathic or ayurvedic medicine improves memory
If a cell of 60 billion yards or more is to be kept functional for life, it must receive regular blood (i.e. oxygen and carbohydrates in the form of energy) which is not possible in today's fast-paced life, so try the following measures. Maybe benefit.
1. Keep your mind energized. : Take a piece of paper and write down the names of the things or friends that you like or where you have gone on vacation so far. Read the paper twice, then 10 minutes later take another blank piece of paper and write down the name you wrote. Not all names will be remembered at first. Take a look at the names written the next day and take another piece of paper and rewrite it. Practice memorizing all the names for three or four days in this way. Give 30 to 40 minutes daily for this. If you don't want to do this, make it a habit to read every page of the newspaper in front of a large mirror, looking at it in the mirror and reading a large but inverted letter at the beginning for 20 to 30 minutes every day. Practice reading the small but inverted letter slowly throughout the week.
. Be as social as possible:
Meet as many people as you can in one day. Go to a senior citizen club in your village or city, or a library or a public event, or form a group with your friends and acquaintances, meet 3 or 4 times a week, and enjoy a new program of singing songs and telling jokes to poetry. Please. This will stop you from having wrong thoughts during the day and the stress in your mind will go away.
. Try sleeping every night for 2 to 3 hours:
Do not reduce your sleep hours at the expense of a job or business. Getting enough sleep will give your body and your intestines time to flush out harmful substances in a fluid and solid way and by working better it will get rid of all the waste in the body and the next day you will be fresh and energetic.
. Eat a nutritious, fresh, balanced and clean diet: If you don't know, ask a knowledgeable person and calculate the calories according to your gender. Eat 3 to 4 fresh fruits, and 20 to 200 grams of green vegetables for oily foods, vitamins and minerals the body needs. Also take 2 to 3 liters of water and other liquids and some dried fruits. Doing so will provide adequate nutrition to the body and especially to the brain responsible for your memory. Stay away from fast food, junk food and stale food.
. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes and intoxicants .: Stay away from addictive intoxicants, alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Drink tea and coffee in moderation to break the habit of consuming too much caffeine. Stop taking cola drinks.
. Exercise: 20 to 30 minutes of exercise a day will allow your lungs to take in more oxygen. The heart's ability to supply blood to every part of the body will increase so that enough blood can reach the brain. If you want to get rid of mental fatigue with exercise and meet more people, then start the exercise of "Laughing Club" which is very popular nowadays. 20 minutes of exercise will improve your health but meeting smiling people every day will give you all kinds of stress. ) Will be removed.
. If you have any disease in your body, treat it: If you have any disease in your body and you are taking any medicine for its treatment, take medicines that you should not take loosely without asking your doctor about it and find out which medicines may affect your memory and Stop those drugs.
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