Detailed information about palm-fatty oil

- Industrial Guidance: Dhiru Parekh

The Washington-based non-profit health-advocacy organization has released the report. And the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has declared a claim that palm oil production in Malaysia and Indonesia is harming the environment. In both these countries, palm cultivation takes place in about 3-m hectare of land.

The American soybean lobby has shown that palm oil is not good for the heart as a whole, as well as for human health. Biomedical research reports that palm oil is high in saturated fat and low in polyunsaturated fats, which can lead to heart disease. But hydrogenation vegetable oils are slightly less affected by heart disease than vegetable oils.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that palm oil consumption is relatively low. Consumers and food processors have also shown that palm oil causes heart disease.

HUMAN HEALTH: More than 15 nutritionists have studied palm oil and its components, according to a study by the American, European and Australian Institute, and the WHO reports that taking more than the palm oil diet level increases fat. Low palm oil intake does not increase blood cholesterol. As well as controlling coronary heart disease. Because palm oil, in terms of science, contains saturated palmitic (3%) and monounsaturated oleic-acid (20%) and is a natural combination of palmitic acid and solic acid. Level consumption does not harm the heart.

Malaysia has utilized about 11.5% of the land for palm oil trees. It contains a large quantity of palm seeds.

Palm oil is widely consumed in Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua, New Guinea and Nigeria. And the population there uses palm oil on a daily basis. Yet there are far fewer heart patients than in the world while America uses very little palm oil and there are many more heart patients.

Palm Oil: Properties: Yellow, Brown, Batra, Edible, Solid at Room Temperature, Sp. Gravity - 0.2, Iodine No. 12.5, Saponification No. 4-6, Soluble in Alcohol, Ether, Chloroform, Carbon Disulfide, Non-Toxic.

The leading ingredient is based on triglycerides of oleic, palmitic, and lauric acids, including a percentage of fernal and fruit pulp weather.

Derivation: Separation of fat, foam palm, fruit by expression or centrifugation. Palm Groin West Africa, Nigeria, Indonesia, Malaysia.

Uses: Soap Manufacturing, Pharmacy, Food Sorting, Cutting Tools, Lubricants, Cosmetics, Substitutes for Relo.
