F-Word: Speak badly ..

- Vocabulary: Paresh Vyas

ABCD Polly Bahut

Very cold

Very well done

Ab karunga tere saath

Dirty talk ...

- Anupam Amod, R .... Prince

We should not use vulgar, abusive, obscene, nasty words but we do. Dirty words are forbidden in polite literature. Often in an article or a story or a poem a blank space is left in place of the original sieve or it is written as 'sieve'. We are free to assume in our minds and hearts the kind of time we want.

Many years ago the word Bloody was used in English. What the bloody hell? This is an angry word. It is said when you are annoyed, when you are tortured. So what is this? Bloody means so bloody. Hell means hell. This is a colloquial word. The word was the number one word in Great Britain as a swear word but according to an extensive research report just published, the word 'bloody' has come down from number one to number three. Now the English people's favorite number one swear word is F_Word and number two swear word is Shit. According to the Gujarati lexicon, 'shit' means (rural) hagvu, to expel haggis, goo, vista, hagvu. The 200-year-old newspaper 'The Guardian' in which this news was published has also avoided writing the whole word 'fuck' but watch any episode of any of our popular Hindi webseries. This F-word is spoken baroque everywhere. The girls also speak. No, it is not our job to give mystical advice that girls should not utter this word. But this research says that women are less vulgar than men. Chandrakant Bakshi called 'gaal' a man's menstrual period. It has also been proven that speech ability is highest at the age of twenty. Then decreases. This means that a 20-year-old boy utters an average of 12 abusive words per million words, but then as he grows older, his ability decreases to 15 words. Let's take a look at the F-word vocabulary that has become the number one swear word today. Because it is necessary to know. Swearing is also a word after all. We are the passengers of the word updown. We don't know the difference between pornography and pornography.

The F-word in the sense of physical intercourse has been in the typical English language since the sixteenth century. It was then that for the first time in a poem, the word 'fukant', which is an artificial Latin language, was used. The line meant that not all the monks would go to heaven because they had 'faked' with the bridesmaids. The word is of Scandinavian origin. In Norwegian dialect 'Fakka' means sex, in Swedish dialect 'Foka' means intercourse or pushing. 'Folk' means penis. Today, however, when the F-word is spoken as a swear word, its literal meaning is left aside. This does not mean that a boy and a girl have sex when the F-word is spoken. Just like a boy says that if he finds out, he will kill me - it doesn't mean that his mother will actually kill his son. Even so called. Just don't think that when someone speaks an F-word in the same way, it is really a part of sex. The F-word is used as the word 'intensifier' of any spoken word. 'Intensifier' means intense or passionate. If you want to bring intensity in a simple thing, this F-word is a term spoken in front or behind. In fact, from the year 18 to 19, this F-word was considered an unholy word and was excluded from all reputable dictionaries. Then gradually the word came into all the dictionaries. Now our Gujarati Lexicon Dictionary also has F-Word. The F-word is mostly used as 'explosive'. Explosive means sentence, oath, salvation, filling in the blanks, in vain. Used more as an F-word filler. Oh f *! In 191, the US Supreme Court ruled that the use of "F-Word" was not a criminal offense. No, we should not do that in India. Under Section 4-6 of the Indian Criminal Code, the police can send us to jail.

A six-episode comic documentary web series titled 'History of Swar Words' was released on Netflix in January this year. Well known actor Nicholas Cage is its host. It is obvious that the first episode is dedicated to our today's word F-Word. Other episode words are: shit (vista), bitch (bitch), dick (penis), pussy (vagina) and dam (curse). Most of the swear words were not filtered from the beginning. But then the term shifted. It is said that there is glory in speaking. Our ability to endure pain increases by as much as 50% when we speak. Our frustration is released. Our frustration tolerance increases. At the very beginning of the Nicholas Cage episode our today's F-word speaks loudly in one breath for minutes. F *********!

Why swear words? As one said earlier, it is spoken as a reaction to pain or misfortune. Or it may be used to intentionally hurt or hurt someone emotionally. The opposite may be true. Or it may be that I have a negative opinion about the subject, subject, or character that is being discussed, and you should feel the same way. The term is also spoken so that the listener listens to you more attentively. And last but not least, the headline made you laugh. The two are special brothers and their relationship is free from rules of etiquette. The sieve is the feeling of liberation.

Word remaining:

'Life is cursedly short. Do what makes you happy for F-Word. '

- American comedian, actor, writer Bill Murray
