How to make your eyebrows more beautiful?

Whenever you raise your eyebrows, your words mean something else. At the same time if your eyebrows are quite plump and beautifully shaped it also works to add weight to your words. So your personality will not look impressive at all to those who look at the haphazardly raised, eyebrow-like eyebrows. Beautiful eyebrows also enhance the effect of the eyes and give the face a new glow. A well-groomed eyebrow can lighten your complexion for several years. Just before makeup and cosmetic surgery, eyebrows can reduce your effort.

It is up to you to decide which eyebrows will look good on your face. Plucking for eyebrows can also be done with tweezing, waxing, threading or home-made blades. Everyone intends to shape the eyebrows. Of these, tweezing, threading and blades are less painful. Threading is the most popular in India. Tweezing has to be learned more often than not. But waxing makes eyebrows difficult to control because the control over the small bandage does not last long. Waxing can be done if the eyebrows are to be removed or kept thin. But it also makes the skin red and there is a fear of pus-filled blisters.

The style of the eyebrows is just as important. If a similar error occurs, a patch appears in the eyebrows. Also, it takes six months to grow well. Although threading is easier than waxing, beginners should not risk eyebrows on others.

To determine what shape looks best on your face, hold a large pencil upright so that it touches the tip of the nose and rotate it around the eyebrows. The inside of the eyebrows should be slightly inwards along the straight line of the nose. When the pencil is in the middle of the eyelid, the part should be the highest rounded part of the eyebrow. And where the pencil comes towards the corner of the eye, there should be a stretched part of the eyebrow. The eyebrows should be the same size from the beginning to the end. But remember to always start removing the hair from the bottom of the eyebrows, not from the top.

Heavy Eyebrows: Heavy eyebrows cover the eyes. Line the hair where it grows with a good bro pencil. To remove hair from the surroundings without tearing the shape or thickness of the original eyebrows.

Plump eyebrows: First look at the natural roundness in these eyebrows, then tilt them down from the rake. Cut the hair at the bottom of the eyebrows with Manicure scissors. Then thread the top circle properly.

Shallow Eyebrows: Find the right shape for loose eyebrows. Fill in the space with an eyebrow pencil, drawing lines with an eyebrow pencil in the direction where the hair grows. A small amount of eyeshadow powder can also be used for this, which gives a natural look to the eyebrows.

Small eyes: Excessive hair removal from the lower part of the eyebrows makes the eyes look bigger and more open.

Closer eyes: If more hair is removed from the lower part of the eyes, the distance between the eyes seems to be greater.

Eyes that are far away: At this point the eyebrows start from the inner side of the nose and if the hair on the ends is removed a little, the eyes will look closer.

Whichever method you use for the eyebrows, the part that looks like a 'green shadow' when the hair starts to grow on it. Threading is the only way to get rid of thinning hair. Because even thinning hair can be pulled by threading.

Sometimes there is pain in the area where the eyebrow hair grows. If the hair is pulled incorrectly, two hairs appear to grow from the same root. To prevent this from happening, always pull the hair closer to its roots. And that stretch must be in the direction of hair growth. The farther you stay from the hair follicles, the more pain there is when applying eyebrows.

Gently massaging the eyebrows during or after the eyebrows can also reduce excess hair growth. Applying eyebrows after bathing opens the pores of the skin and also reduces pain. Or hold a towel dipped in warm water over the eyebrows before applying. Then dry the area and skin completely and apply eyebrow powder.

Premature graying or thinning of eyebrow hair can also be a problem. White hair is due to age, which cannot be prevented. Also, hair loss can be caused by excessive hair pulling or lack of proper nutrients in the diet. Eating substances or pills containing zinc and B complex can prevent this problem. In some skin diseases 'Alopecia Total', eyebrow hair is completely lost. See a dermatologist immediately if eyebrow hair starts to fall out suddenly.

If you have made a big change in the color of your hair, you may also need to change the color of your eyebrows. Eyebrows look natural during the day and can be made more colorful in the evening. Powder brow colors or eyeshadows can be used to dye hair. Brow experts and makeup artists combine certain shades to find different eyebrow colors. If you use an eyebrow pencil, draw the edge every time. If you are using powder, wash the brush every time and dry it with a hair dryer, then use it a second time, otherwise you may get lumps of color on the eyebrows.

Constant pulling or threading of the eyebrows can cause hair to stop growing forever. So use that method properly. If part of your eyebrows is too sensitive, rub ice and then do eyebrows. Whatever the fashion trend, keep cutting extra hair as much as possible, so that less hair has to be removed in threading.
